2. Friends?

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Juliet's POV:
I walk up to the girl. " Excuse me... Do you need some help?" I ask. "Uhhh... N-no... I zink I'll be good." She says in a German accent looking around. " You sure... You look a bit lost..." I say. "Uhh... Uh.. I... I'm not sure..." She stutters. " Let me help... I'm Juliet by the way..." I say offering the girl a friendly smile. She stares blankly and blinks a few times then gives me a small smile. "Zanks. I guess." She says looking at the ground. I nod softly. " So what's your name?" I ask. "Nicolette but I prefer Nicole or Nikki." She responds. " Alright Nikki... We are at dinner right now... So come on..." I say waving her forward towards the Great Hall. She follows behind me silently. I walk over to our table. " Guys this is Nikki..." I say. I take my usual seat in between Fred and George. " Nikki you can sit here..." Fred says pointing to the other side of him. She quietly takes a seat next to Fred and looks a bit tense. I feel someone's eyes on me. I turn to see Cedric staring this way. I blush and then smile at him. He returns my smile warmly. " Ooo... Juliet's got her eyes on Diggory Freddie..." George teases. I turn forward and blush deeply. Fred laughs. I see as Nikki smiling as she looks at Fred as he laughs. I raise an eyebrow at her. " Didn't you see him catch her when she tripped... I guess you could say it was love at first trip..." Fred teases. Harry raises an eyebrow. I hear Nikki giggle a bit at this bad joke and see her bite her lip while trying not to smile too much. " I hate you both..." I say. " He held you for quite sometime... What were you two chatting about?" George asked. " That is none of your concern..." I say. " Did you make sure to say how much you love him?" Fred says in a slightly babyish tone. I blush deeply. " Shut up..." I say. Nikki gasps. "Did he ask you out?!" She says and everyone looks at her then to me. " Maybe..." I say rubbing the back of my neck. Nikki smiles and looks as if she's holding back the fangirl in her.

" He did what?" Harry asks slightly angry. The fangirl in Nikki disappears as her eyes go wide. " Harry it's just a date..." I say trying to defuse the situation. " I'm your brother and he didn't even ask!" Harry says. " Harry James Potter! Can't you just let me be happy?" I ask raising my voice. "I'm just gonna..." Nikki says as she scoots away from our little group to probably stay away from drama that's not hers. Harry stands and walks out. " I'll go check on him..." Ron says getting up. " Sorry for getting you in trouble with Harry..." Fred says. " It's ok... He's just super protective..." I say. "Yeah honestly I wouldn't have asked that question if I had known zat was going to happen." Nikki jumps in. " My twin brother has anger issues and is over protective... We have a bad home life and he has always protected me... It isn't your guys fault..." I say. Nikki gives a small smile and then once again her eyes land on Fred. I can tell something is going on between those two. The stollen glances. " I'm up for a beginning of the year prank... I already talked to Peeves and he's in..." I say looking at the twins. They both gain devious smiles. " Brilliant..." They both say in unison. "Prank?" Nikki asks confused. " Oh right you don't know..." I say laughing. " We are known as the trickster trio... We like to pull pranks on the school or certain teachers and students..." I say getting a similar smile as the twins. The minute I explain that her face lights. "You guys like to pull pranks too? Pulling pranks is basically a hobby of mine." She says smiling. " Then it's settled your joining us..." All three of us say at the exact same time. "Yes!" She shouts then does a little dance in her seat. She look back over at us and stops blushing. "Hehe sorry..." She says looking down. " Don't be sorry..." Fred says smiling. " We'll meet in the common room at eleven... Peeves will be waiting for us at the library... We have to be quick and quite..." I say. I can see Nikki can't wipe the smile off her face.

I go into the common room with Nikki at eleven. The boys are waiting. " Hello ladies..." They both said in unison. " Boys..." I greeted. "Hi..." Nikki says with a yawn. "Sorry. I like my sleep." She says her eyes barely open. We all laugh. " All right lets go..." I say. We all walk out of the common room. We head down the halls stealthily. Peeves was waiting by the library. " Potty Potter ready?" Peeves asked. " Always Peeves..." I say smirking. "Potty Potter? Seriously?" Nikki asks. " Who is this little missy?" Peeves asks. " Nikki..." I state. " Pissy Nikki has nice ring to it..." He says cackling. Nikki's jaw drops. She glares at him. "I don't like him already." She complains. " No one likes him..." Me and the twins say in unison. "It he always a bitch?" She asks. " Yes..." All three of us say. " So Peeves we got you twenty dung bombs and try to settle off Myrtle won't you?" I say. He nods and takes the dung bombs. " All right Peeves will do the rest..." I say. "So what now? Do we get more sleep?" Nikki says turning around. " Yes... Until the chaos starts..." I say smirking. "Finally. By the way if I'm yelling in the morning just know it's your guy's fault." She says as she walks out. We all follow behind. I crawl into bed ready for tomorrow. No class tomorrow would be the best. As long as everything went well.

Potter and Farron ( A Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now