37. The First Task

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Juliet's POV:
I was shaking as I walked to the tent. I was so nervous. Harry told me what we were facing. Dragons. I enter the tent and am immediately enveloped in someones arms. " Hey baby..." Ced sayd holding me close. " Hey..." I say. He pulls away. He pushes some hair behind my ear. " It's going to be ok..." He coos. He cups my cheek. I lean into his hand closing my eyes. I sigh. That's when we hear two ckicks of a camera. We look over to see Rita Skeeter and two camera men. One camera was pointed at us the other at... Harry and Hermione? Ok I'm confused. " Ah young love..." Rita exclaims. That's when Nikki busts in. " Nikki?" I ask. "What's the first task?" She asks panicked and is shaking. " I have to fight a dragon..." I say walking over to her. "Oh my God!" She says panicking and trying to breath properly. I put a hand on her shoulder. " I fought a giant snake remember... I think I can handle a dragon..." I say trying to calm her down. "Do you know how dangerous dragons are!?" She asks her eyes wide and looks as if she wants to cry. I nod. I pull her into me. " I'll be fine Nik..." I say soothingly. "I just worry." She says taking a deep breath. " I know Nik..." I say letting her go. "My best friend is in a competition where people can die. I can't help but worry." She says sighing. " I'll be fine... I always am..." I say smirking. "Your full of yourself you know that right?" Nikki asks. " Always am Nik..." I say laughing. She rolls her eyes. "Nikki! Nikki!" I hear Fred call for his girlfriend. " You better get good seats..." I say jokingly. "Nikki!" He yells again. "Shut up!" She shouts back laughing. She hugs me. "Good luck." She whispers. "Nikki!" Fred yells again. "Patience!" She yells pulling away. Cedric gives Nikki a look. He's probably still upset about the other night. I sigh. " You better go before Fred kills me for holding you up..." I say giggling. She rolls her eyes and then walks out. "Seriously!?" She shouts and then she's out of sight. Ced takes my hand in his. " Gather round!" I heard Barty Crouch say. All five us gather around.

Soon everyone has chosen their dragons, Except me

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Soon everyone has chosen their dragons, Except me. I put my hand into the bag. I pull out the last dragon. " Ooohhh... The Ukrainian Ironbelly..." He says. The dragon looks scary. I had read about Ironbelly's. They have one as security at Gringotts. Ced grips my hand. " Mr. Diggory at the cannon..." Crouch says. That's when a cannon sounds. Ced smashes his lips to mine. We pull apart after a few seconds. " Good luck..." I whisper. " You too..." He says. He starts to walk out. " I love you!" I call after him. " I love you too!" He calls back to me. Then he is out of sight. The stadium erupts in cheers. I start to pace. Ced made it through. One by one the champions went out. " Ms. Potter at the cannon..." Someone says. I stand and wait at the tents exit. The cannon sounds and I step out. Cheers come from every side of me. I catch sight of Nikki, Fred and George. George is holding a giant sign shaped as a heart. It has big letters that read ' Potter+Diggory'. I smile at them. "Juliet look out!" Nikki shouts. I dodge the fire just in time. I turn my attention to the dragon crouched in the center of the arena. My eyes widen at the sight of it.

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Potter and Farron ( A Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now