12. Exchanging Gifts

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Nicolette's POV:

I'm running. Running from complete darkness. From the shadows that haunt me. I continue to run and then I hit a wall. I fall and look up. Instead of a wall it's Claire.

"Your an ungrateful stupid slut!" She shouts standing over me.

"H-how am I a slut?" I ask in fear.

"Always liked the guys older then you! Now you finally got your hands on one." She smirks. She pulls out a sharp object. It looks to be a knife.

"Please... Don't do this." I say tears in my eyes.

"Sorry. Too late." She says...

I wake up screaming and covered in cold sweat.

Juliet's POV:
I jolted up when I heard the scream. We had fallen asleep on the couch. I crawled off of Cedric's bare chest and ran towards the stairs. I take them two at a time. I reached her room and wrench the door open. Rush to her bedside. " Nikki? Are you alright?" I ask her. She has tears streaming down her face as she is pulling at her hair staring at the wall in fear. I pull down Cedric's shirt and sat on the bed. I put a hand on her shoulder slowly. She quickly looks over at me with fear. She has tears and makeup staining her cheeks and she grabs my wrist. "Help me please." Is all she says. " I'm here..." I say pulling her into me. "Help me! Help me please! She's gonna hurt me! I'm scared! Help me!" She repeats panicking. I hold her tightly. " She won't touch you ever again if I have anything to say about it... If she tries to she won't touch anything... Ever..." I say angrily. "She's gonna hurt me! I'm scared! Help me! Help me!" She repeats again getting louder with each sentence. " Nikki look at me... She is never going touch again, you hear me?" I say grabbing her face so she looks in my eyes. "She's gonna kill me..." She whimpers. " I would kill her before she got the chance..." I say. "I'm so scared." She says and starts sobbing. " I know... I know how it feels..." I say. She starts taking deep breaths and calms down slightly. " Your so strong Nikki... You have people here for you... Me, Fred and everyone else here... We love you..." I say softly. She doesn't say anything just sits now staring blankly. I hear someone come in. It's Fred. " I'll let him take over now..." I say. I gently get up and walk downstairs. My sleeping boyfriend still on the couch.

Soon enough Fred and Nikki come down. " How are you doing?" I ask. She just shrugs in response. At least she's doing more then staring and crying for now. I smile at her softly. That's when my shirtless boyfriend shifts on the couch. " What?" He says waking up. I laugh slightly at his confused state. I notice the side of Nikki's mouth twitch into a smile for a second then fade away. " Ced baby your on the couch..." I say. " Oh um..." He says sitting up. He see's me in his shirt. " You look sexy..." He says. I blush madly. He smirks at my reaction. Fred chuckles. " I can just feel the sexual tension..." Fred commented. Nikki gives out a light laugh and the tiniest of smiles. " Well maybe cause it's there..." I say smirking. Fred chuckles. I walk to Cedric and press my lips to his. He kisses me back. His tongue slips into my mouth. He must've gotten lost in the kiss because he grabbed my waist and pulled me on top of him. He moved down my jaw line and onto my neck. " Um Ced baby... We aren't alone..." I say. He pulls back immediately, his face bright red. " Forgot..." He says. I'm still on top of him when Fred speaks. " It's definitely there..." He says winking. I look over noticing Nikki look up at Fred. He notices too and smiles at her. I once again see her mouth twitch to a smile for a second and then go back. She presses her forehead against his arms and closes her eyes. He kisses the top of her head. I crawl off Ced, who sits up and pulls me onto his lap so there is plenty of room on the couch. Fred leads Nikki to the couch and sits, pulling her onto his lap. She buries her head in the crook of Fred's neck. He holds her close.

Soon the parents wake. The living room fills up. " I was thinking to do presents today..." Mrs. Weasley announced. No one argued. " Nik lets go get dressed..." I say to my best friend. She gets up and walks upstairs behind me. We go into her bedroom. " How are you holding up?" I ask her. She once again just shrugs her shoulders and opens her closet. " Nikki please talk to me..." I plead. She pulls out an oversized black sweatshirt and black sweatpants. She doesn't respond as she changes into them and slips on a pair of black tennis shoes. She pulls up the hood of her sweatshirt and combs her fingers through her hair that is still out of the hood. I change quickly. Fine if she won't talk she won't talk. I throw my clothes in a corner slightly angrily. I turn to walk out. I hear her footsteps follow behind me. She looking at the ground in pain again as we walk down the stairs. Cedric reaches for me. He pulls me on his lap. " Let's start shall we!" Mrs. Weasley says.

The gifts were now all handed out. " Nikki you open first..." Mrs. Weasley says. The first is from me. It was a bracelet that matched with the one I'm wearing. She holds it up and I show her my wrist. She nods. I hope that means she likes it. " Juliet you go..." Mrs. Weasley instructs. I open my usual sweater from her. Everyone goes around opening gifts. I finally am last. A small decorative box in my hand. I open it and gasp. It was beautiful. I knew exactly who it was from. " It's my promise to you..." Cedric says smiling. He pulls the promise ring from the box. There was an engraving on the inside of the ring. It read ' Cedric's Baby Girl' I blushed deeply as he slid it on my ring finger. " Also now everyone will know your mine..." He says. " I love it..." I say on the verge of tears. I smah lips to his. I pull away soon though because everyone was watching. " I love you Juliet Potter..." He says. I was in utter shock. He has never said those three beautiful words to me. " I love you too Cedric Diggory..." I say meaning every word. I was the happiest person in the world.

 I was the happiest person in the world

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( The ring)

Potter and Farron ( A Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now