31. Portkey

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Juliet's POV:
The old man set a pot of tea on the newly lit stove. He glances up at the mansion that's visible from his little cottage. He was caretaker of the mansion. A light was on in an upper window. The man left his small cottage. He believed teens from the village had broken in. The old Riddle mansion has sat empty for years. He used the keys he had and opened the front door. He walked as quietly as he could. He heard a cold voice talking inside a lit room. " The twins are the key..." The voice says. " My lord are you sure?" Another voice asks. " I am..." The cold voice responds. A snake slides around the old mans feet. It goes into the lit room. He hears hissing from within. The old man stands stifly. " Nagina tells me the old caretaker is just outside the door..." The cold voice says. The door opens to reveal a squirly man. " Wormtail... Step aside so I can give our guest a proper greeting..." The cold voice says. The man steps aside to reveal a small, child sized man. " Avada Kedavra!" The cold voice shouts. There's a flash of green light. The old man falls to the floor, dead.

I jolt up to Nikki shaking my shoulder. I'm covered in a cold sweat. I could tell there was fear in my eyes. "Juliet!" She says looking at me with concern in her eyes. " Morning to you too..." I say sarcastically. "You were screaming and it scared me." She says and Hermione comes into the room. "Mrs. Weasley says it's time for breakfast." She says smiling and then leaves. " Sorry... Didn't mean to scare you..." I say. "It always scares me." Nikki says as she gets out a yellow dress and starts to get dressed. I pull on a cute top and some shorts. I slide on some sandals and do light make up.

( Juliet's outfit)

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( Juliet's outfit)

I turn to see Nikki dressed and staring at her makeup bag. " You don't need it..." I say. "I know I just... I don't feel... Like I look good without it. I feel... Ugly without it." She says sighing. " You're beautiful..."I say definitely. She nods and decides to not do makeup.

 She nods and decides to not do makeup

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(Nikki's outfit)

We walk downstairs. We walk into the kitchen and see everyone sitting down. Nikki looks down shifting slightly where she's standing. " Hey love..." Fred says getting up. "Hi..." She says in almost a whisper not looking up from the ground. I roll my eyes. Fred puts a finger under her chin and lifts her head up. " Why are you hiding your face love?" He asks. "Umm..." She stutters and doesn't look him in the eye slowly trying to pull her face back down. He frowns. " You look Beautiful Nik..." He says. She just laughs slightly and shakes her head.

Potter and Farron ( A Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now