22. Troubles

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Nikki's POV:

I slowly wake up and untangle myself from Fred. I sit at the edge of my bed and look at the ground. I set my hands in my lap and see the are glowing red again.

"Shit!" I say and quickly get up and run to the bathroom. Managed to trip over myself falling into the bathroom. I quickly stand up and shut the door. "Nicolas go away." I say my voice becoming demon like.

"Oh but I can't." I hear him say. I jump and look behind me seeing him standing there looking at a dagger. Nicolas has the power of teleportation. Along with many other powers.

"Yes you can now go!" I say through gritted teeth.

"Oh it's not that simple. Nicolette your you demon side needs to develop. That's why I'm here." He says smirking at me.

"No it doesn't. You are the devil!" I shout.

"If I'm the devil your the devil's daughter!" He shouts back.

" And I'm the devil's daughter's best friend..." I turn to see Juliet standing there, wand in hand. Her green eyes filled with hate. She looked intimidating.

"How the hell did you get the door unlocked!? This is dangerous! Your playing with fire!" I shout at my friend as I keep an eye on Nicolas so he doesn't hurt her.

" A spell..." She says shrugging. Juliet makes a growling sound. The growl wasn't human. It was quite dog like.

Nicolas goes to throw a fireball at her and I jump in the way. The fire hit my shoulder. I hiss in pain.

"Just know I'll be back." Nicolas growls as he teleports away. Juliet rushes to me.

" I had a spell ready you shouldn't have done that..." She scolds me.

"You don't know how dangerous he is!" I yell back as I get the medical supplies out to clean my wound and wrap it up.

" I've faced bad Nik... I think I could have handled it..." She says trying to keep calm.

"You don't know him like I know him. If I didn't jump in front of you then you would have been dead." I say angrily and start to clean the wound. I take in a sharp breath as the cloth makes contact with my bleeding shoulder.

" You know the boys are still sleeping just outside that door so try to keep it down..." Juliet says still surprisingly calm. I had never seen her this calm before.

"Juliet I'd like to see you "keep it down" while having a bleeding shoulder because your demonic father almost killed your best friend." I say irritated. I start to wrap my shoulder up.

" I got bit by a giant snake! Oh and lets not forget I've got a mass murder after my ass!" Juliet shouts now. Mass murder?

"What?" I ask standing up my voice still sounding irritated.

" What do you mean "what"?" Juliet asks.

"What do you mean mass murder?" I ask again placing my hands on my hips.

" You heard about Sirius Black?" Juliet asks.

"No..." I say as I grab a sweatshirt from the floor and sliding it on over my sports bra.

" Well he killed thirteen wizards and was sent to Azkaban... He broke out this summer and is after me and Harry..." She says looking down.

"Oh..." Is all I say and walk back to the room to get jeans. The boys strangely are still asleep. Juliet follows me out and goes over to her bed. She crawls back and immediately in his sleep Cedric reaches out for her, almost on instinct. It was actually kind of cute. She snuggled into him. A tear slips down her face. I feel kinda bad as I go to the bathroom to slide on my jeans. I head downstairs running a hand through my hair and letting out a sigh.

Potter and Farron ( A Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now