28. Three Turns Should Do It

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Juliet's POV:
I woke with a groan. " Hey baby..." I hear someone say at my side. Cedric. " What happened?" I ask. " Dementors..." He says. I sit up. He hands me some chocolate. " Thanks..." I say. Nikki rushes over. "Are you okay?" She panics as Fred comes over behind her. " I'm fine..." I say smiling at her. "You sure I can get some pain relievers or something. Anything. Madame Pomphrey has shown me where everything is." She says worrying like normal. I roll my eyes. " The only thing that hurts is my pride..." I say shaking my head. "Why?" Nikki asks confused. " I knocked out! I should have taken on those dementors... Wait where's Sirius?" I ask frantically. " I'm sorry baby... The Ministry got him..." Ced says. No. They couldn't have. " Stop joking with me Ced..." I say my voice cracking. "It's not a joke. It's true." Nikki says looking down. Dumbledore then walks in. " Juliet glad to see your alright..." He says. " Where's Sirius?" I ask immediately. " He is locked in a tower..." Dumbledore says. I start crying. Ced wraps his arms around me. " The only way to help him is to go back... Three turns should do it Ms. Potter..." Dumbledore says before heading down to Hermione. "What does he mean by that?" Fred asks furrowing his eyebrows. I pull the time turner out of my shirt. " This..." I say. "Where did you get that?" Nikki asks looking at it. " Dumbledore gave me and Hermione one at the start of term..." I say. "Why didn't I get one?" Nikki whines. " Because you weren't taking three classes scheduled at the same time..." I say smirking. She tried to pout but is smiling in the process. I jump out of bed. " Baby you should..." Ced starts but I cut him off by kissing him. I pull away after a few seconds. " I'm fine..." I say. "So how are we going to save Sirius?" Nikki asks taking Fred's hand and in hers and dragging him to me with her. " Using this..." I say showing them the necklace. "How?" Nikki asks again. " Three turns!" I said smirking. "I'm still confused." She says. " It's a time turner Nik..." I say like it's obvious. "How will we go with you though?" She asks raising her eyebrows. I grab her and the other two. The chain magical extends and I put around the four of us. " Hold on!" I say and turn it three times.

The hall is now brightly lit by the evening light. " We have three hours..."I say. As I go to take the time turner off all of us Nikki goes to touch it and I smack her hand away. "Sorry." She says quickly. I takes it off of them. The chain retracts to my neck size. " Ok so we need to find Sirius..." I say. Just then Harry and Hermione appear next to us. "Hi!" Nikki shouts. attacking Hermione in a hug. "Nikki shut up! We can't get caught!" Hermione yells at my idiotic best friend but hugs her back. I giggle. " Dumbledore sent you two as clean up crew?" I ask jokingly. " Ha ha very funny sis... He sent us to help..." Harry says. "Well since Ron is not here right now. I am part of your group now. Bye guys." Nikki says giggling. " Leave me with these two? Nikki how could you! I'll be stuck with them making out every five seconds!" Fred says dramatically. "Well at least I don't have to worry about it." She says giggling. "I think I prefer Nikki over Ron." Harry says placing an arm around her shoulders. "Potter if you don't get your hands off my girlfriend you'll regret it." Fred threats and Harry raises his hands in defense. "Calm down Baby." Nikki says walking up to him and placing a hand on his cheek. He presses his lips to hers and she melts into the kiss. "Oh look who's making out now?" Cedric says rolling his eyes. Nikki looks at Cedric and glares. I giggle. " I should be part of the new trio if anything... I was the fourth wheel during first year..." I say. "Ehhh... I'm better." Nikki jokes. I shake my head and we run out. I see another Hermione, Harry and a Ron. Hermione pulls us behind some bushes. " We should split up... Cover more ground..." Harry suggested. I nod. " You two stay here we will go search the woods..." I say. The others follow behind me as we walk in the woods. "Hey look a spider." Fred says. Nikki looked over to see it near her head and screamed falling on the ground on top of Fred. It was a regular spider. I giggle. " The acramantula's are scarier..." I say. "Listen I'm pretty sure spiders are little aliens with eight legs and thousands of eyes that want to steal my blood." She said. Fred laughed at her. "Your worse then Ron." He says still under Nikki. " You should meet Aragog..." I say smirking. "Who?" She asks standing up and grabbing Fred's hand helping him up. " Oh just a giant spider who lives in these woods..." I say. "What!?" She screams latching onto Fred and he chuckles. " Don't worry he's Hagrid's friend..." I say. "It's a spider though!" She yells as Fred picks her up on his back and walks with the us to where we need to go. I giggle. " There are alot of things in these woods... Including unicorns..." I say. "Really?" She says sounding like she doesn't believe me. "Yes love." Fred responds chuckling.

Potter and Farron ( A Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now