14. Students Petrified

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Juliet's POV:
Nikki and I were walking to class when Professor McGonagall stopped us. " Ms. Potter and Ms. Farron come with me please..." She says. " Why?" I ask. "Is everyzing okay?" Nikki asks confused. " We will discuss it when we get there... Potter and Weasley are waiting..." She says. We walk with her. We end up outside the hospital wing. Harry and Ron were standing there. " What's going on?" They asked in unison. "Come with me..." We walked in and to a curtained off area. She pulls back the curtain to reveal the only other closest friend I have, Hermione. I let out a stiffled scream. Tears pour down my face. She was petrified. Nikki pulls me into a hug as she stares at Hermione with a face of horror. I cry into her shoulder. I heard someone come in. " Mr. Diggory glad you could join us..." McGonagall says. I would have to thank her later. Ced took me from Nikki's arms and pulled me into his own. " It's ok baby girl..." He whispered. Nikki covers her face with her hands out of fear. " And Mr. Weasley..." McGonagall adds. Fred goes over and pulls Nikki to his chest. She starts to cry against his chest. I see her hands grip tightly on his sweater. " How?" I hear Harry ask. " We aren't sure..." Madame Pomphrey says.

Once we calm we all sit be her bed. I noticed part of a piece of parchment poking between her fingers. I open her hand to find a note. ' Basilisk' is written on it. I hand it to Nikki. As she reads it she looks confused. She looks at me as if she wanted to know what it was for. " Hermione had it... She figured it out..." I say. "This is what's causing people to be petrified?" Nikki asks looking at it again. I nod. " Basilisks petrifie when you see their reflection but to look straight in their eyes will kill you instantly..." I explain. She looks up in shock. "But how is it getting around? I mean it's a giant snake. Someone vould have noticed a giant snake." She says. " Not sure..." I answer. She sighs as she hands the paper back to me. Ced was rubbing my shoulders. " We have to figure out who the heir is..." Ced said. " Well before holiday we did some digging... It's not Malfoy..." Harry says. Nikki let's out a scoff when she hears his name and rolls her eyes glaring at the ground. " Well then who else?" I ask. " I don't know..." Ron says. "Yeah because zat's really helping Ron." Nikki says sarcastically. " Let's tell McGonagall..." I suggest. "You do whatever you guys do. I don't know anymore." Nikki says as she places her head in her hands. " Ok..." I say. Nikki gets up and walks out. I sigh. " It's going to be ok Baby..." Ced says.

Nicolette's POV:

I walk into the girls lavatory and lean against the sink. I look up in the mirror and meet with a pair of yellow eyes. I gasp and that was the last I saw.

Juliet's POV:
I had been looking for Nikki for a while now. I walk into the lavatory and scream. Nikki layed there petrified on floor. Fred raced in. He falls on the floor by her side. I fall next to him. She was one of the most important things in our lives. I wrapped an arm around my ginger best friend. He picks her up and races to the hospital wing with her in his arms. They take her immediately. Cedric gets fetched. He comes in and pulls me into his arms. These two are all I have left. " Shh baby we will figure it out..." He says. We all sit around her bed. George comes in not much later and sits next to his brother. Fred has his head in his hands and it looks as if he is crying. What are we going to do.

Fred's POV:
Why? Why her!? I don't even know what I'm going to do. I felt as if my world was gone. I struggle to regain focus on what is happening around me. Juliet is enveloped in Cedric. George was at my side. That's Juliet got up and left. She probably couldn't handle it anymore. Cedric stayed knowing she would need her space. I look at the ground with tears in my eyes. I ball my hands into fists and my knuckles turn white. George wraps and arm around me. "She'll be okay Freddie. She's a fighter." He says and I look at my girlfriends frozen state. " I need her..." I mumble.

Juliet's POV:
I ran to find Harry and Ron only to find them sneaking into the girls lavatory. " What are you two doing?" I ask. "We've found it!" Harry exclaims. " The chamber?" I ask. "Yes!" Ron says. "It's quite filthy down here." A voice says and I raise an eyebrow. "Lockhart." Harry says and I nod. We all jump down the hole leading to what I'm guessing is the chamber. We all rush through. There was some crap with Lockhart and he tried to use a spell to remove all our memories but it back fired. Rocks fell and blocked him and Ron off. Me and Harry continue on and we stop in front of a big door. Harry and I speak in Parseltongue. The door opens.

Potter and Farron ( A Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now