25. Troubles with Nikki

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Nikki's POV:
I wake up exhausted due to my lack of sleep. I start to get dressed into something suitable for me to wear while helping at the hospital wing. I want to possibly be a nurse so Madame Pomphrey offered to help me. I sigh as I go to open the door.

" Nikki can we talk?" Juliet asks. I heard her screaming and crying all night. She looks exhausted. Bags were prominent underneath her emerald irises.

"Can't I have to go to the hospital wing. I'm supposed to help today." I say and walk out. I walk down the steps and head to the hospital wing. "Madame Pomphrey! I'm here!" I shout as I walk in the hospital wing.

"Oh good. Do you think you can check Mr. Weasley's scars?" She says pointing to a bed. I take a deep breath and nod. I can't let that stop me. I walk over and examine his scars that are scabbed over right now.

"Don't look at me." I say as I look at a board that I was given.

"Why?" Fred asks.

"Because the minute my eyes meet yours I am going to fall all over again. And I don't want to." I say as I look over his scars again. "Looks like they'll be there for a while but they fade eventually. There not that bad." I say and turn away.

" Nikki wait!" I hear him call.

"What do you want?!" I say angrily.

" I'm sorry Nikki... I don't know what I was thinking..." He says.

"You know what just go back to Angelina. I'm obviously not worth it." I say still not turning around.

" Nikki please..." He pleads.

"Stop." I say and then go into nurse mode again. "You should be able to leave tomorrow." I say and walk away tears streaming from my eyes. "Madame Pomphrey can I go? I don't think I can make it through today. I can come another time. Today is not a good day for me." I say.

"Of course. Go relax." She says and I leave wiping my eyes. I have to stop crying over him. I have just the plan.

Juliet's POV:
Nikki is really starting to worry me. I walk down the stairs to the common room. Angelina was in a corner but ran when she saw me. Lavander Brown came over. " Juliet why are you wearing a Hufflepuff hoody?" She asked. I blush. " It's not mine..." I say. " Oh so somebody is dating a Hufflepuff now?" She says jokingly. " Yes I am..." I say. " Is he as good looking as the Hufflepuff heart throb Cedric Diggory?" She asks. I almost forgot how sought after my boyfriend was. That's when Ced comes down the stairs still in his pajama pants. Still shirtless. Lavender's mouth dropped open when she saw him. " I should probably get back to the common room before they realize I'm gone..." He says. I nod. " Bye. Love you..." He says. " I love you too..." I say smiling. He presses his lips softly to mine. When we pull away I notice Chase watching us. He runs up the stairs to the boys dormitories. Fuck. Ced leaves and I go get my uniform on.

I head down to breakfast and sit next to Nikki. " Hey..." I say. I see a smirk on her face and she seems to be look at some guys that are winking at her and I see what she is wearing.

 I see a smirk on her face and she seems to be look at some guys that are winking at her and I see what she is wearing

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Potter and Farron ( A Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now