30. Summer Holiday's Arrived

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Juliet's POV:
I was going back to the Dursley's... again. Nikki and I were packing in the dorm. " Another year gone..." I say sighing. "It went by so fast. You know what I'm going to talk to Mr. Weasley about getting you a ticket to the Quidditch World Cup." Nikki says as she is folding some of her clothes and placing them in her trunk. " Really?" I asked surprised. "Yeah. I'd love for you to come." She says as she closes her trunk. " Maybe try for Harry too... I don't want to leave him with the Dursley's alone..." I say. "I will." She says smiling. "Nikki! Fred needs help!" George yells. "What now?!" She yells opening the door. "He can't close his trunk." George says up the stairs. "Again?" Nikki asks as she leaves to go to Fred's dormitory. I laugh and turn closing my trunk. Strong arms wrap around my waist. " Shouldn't you be packing?" I ask. " I already did..." Ced answers. I laugh. He presses his lips to my neck. I moan lightly. " I'm going to miss you so much..." He says pulling away. " I'm going to miss you too..." I say turning to face him. I smile at him and cup his cheeks. That's when Nikki comes back. "I don't know where that boy would be without me." She says closing her trunk then dragging it downstairs. I laugh and pick up my own trunk. Ced takes it from me. " I got it..." He says. I kiss his cheek and follow Nikki down the steps. I walk down to see Nikki staring at Fred who is looking at her. "What?" He asks breaking the silence. Nikki shakes her head. "You've got to learn how to take care of yourself sometimes." She says once again, literally, dragging her trunk out of the common room. I follow after her. Ced is dragging my trunk and his.

The platform was bustling with students. Everyone was ready to go home, except me and Harry. " I wish I didn't have to go..." I say. "I do want to go but at the same time I don't." She says as Fred takes her hand in his. " At least you'll be with people who love you..." I say sighing. "Only some of them. And even then this guy annoys me to no end." She says wrapping and arm around my shoulders and raising an eyebrow at Fred. I smile sadly. " I'm going to miss you guys..." I say sadly. "I'll miss you more." Nikki says as she climbs on the train. I climb on after her. " I doubt that... You'll be too busy with Freddie here..." I say. "Ehhh... He doesn't matter as much as you." Nikki jokes laughing. I laugh sadly. " Well aren't you romantic..." I tease. She shrugs and walks into a compartment. She tries to put her trunk on the shelf but is failing due to how short she is. " Let me love..." Fred says. He takes it and puts it up. She crosses her arms and gives an annoyed look to no one in particular. Ced puts our trunks up and sits, pulling me unto his lap. "Sit down Nikki." Fred says sitting across from us. She looks over and gives him a glare. " Oh Nikki..." I say giggling. "Fuck you and your tallness." Nikki says stomping like a little kid. " We all know you want to fuck him..." I tease. Nikki's face goes red and her eyes go wide. " You know it's true..." I say shrugging. "No!" She shouts and plops herself next to Fred pouting.

I pull a copy of the picture I decided to keep as a threat. " This says different..." I say waving it in front of her. "Why do you have that?" She asks trying to jump up and grab it from me. I put it away. I smirk. " Safe keeping..." I say. "But... Why do you need that?" She stutters while glaring at me. " Leverage..." I say laughing. "Ugh! I hate you!" She says falling to the ground. She is now laying down on the ground glaring at me. I shake my head at my idiotic friend. " You love me..." I say smirking. "Your mean to me." She says and I can tell she's joking. "Give me the damn picture." She demands. " I have multiple copies Nik... It's no use..." I say giggling. "Why? Knowing you your going to give it to Mrs. Weasley or something to get me in trouble just so you can laugh at me." She whines rolling on the floor she stops by Fred and looks up. "And you. You let her have copies and didn't even try to get them." She points at him. He chuckles. He smiles at me. " Like she said it's no use. I've tried..." He says. "Ugh! If your mother finds out." She says sitting up. Fred grabs her waist and lifts her onto his lap holding her like a baby. "Didn't I already tell you! I'm not a baby! Why do you hold me like this?" She says looking at him. " Because you're adorable..." He says. "No I'm not." She says laying her head on his shoulder. " Yes you are..." He says. "Not really. I don't know how you think that." She says sighing. " Nik your beautiful don't ever think anything different..." I say. She sighs and looks as if she is going to cry but buries her face in Fred's neck instead. I snuggle into Ced. " I love you..." Ced says kissing the top of my head. " I love you too..." I say softly. I was worried about Nikki. I would ask her about it later.

Potter and Farron ( A Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now