6. Quidditch

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Juliet's POV:
Today was our quidditch match against Hufflepuff. I was so nervous. We were all changing in the locker room for the game. Once inside Oliver spoke. " I've decided which seeker I'm gonna play today..." Oliver announced. Please not me! " Juliet..." He says smiling. My heart dropped. A look of horror crossed my face. " Juliet are you ok?" Oliver asked. I look at him. " I can't play the Hufflepuff game..." Is all I say. " Why not?" Oliver asked. " That's because Pretty Boy Diggory is Juliet's boy toy..." George answered. I blushed deeply. Oliver had a look of shock. I shot a look at George. " Well that is umm..." Oliver said trying to find the right words. That's when you could tell he was thinking. " Well it's perfect actually..." He says a devious smile playing on his features. "Well hurry up vith zat plan you have. The game starts in like five minutes." Nikki says standing in the doorway of the locker room wearing her cheer uniform then tuning to leave. I look over to see Fred blushing like crazy. " Juliet do everything in your power to distract Diggory... I'm counting on you..." Oliver says. We all quickly change. I grab my Nimbus 2000 and we all get in line. Oliver is the first out, me right behind him. We mount our brooms and kickoff. I hear Lee announcing us. I smile as the crowd cheers. This was our first game. I was so excited. " Miss Potter is looking really nice today! Oliver were you trying to make her look like a goddess? Cause she sure does!" Lee states into the microphone.

 " Miss Potter is looking really nice today! Oliver were you trying to make her look like a goddess? Cause she sure does!" Lee states into the microphone

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( Juliet's Quidditch Uniform)

( Juliet's Quidditch Uniform)

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( Nikki's Cheer Uniform)

I feel myself blush at the comment. Lee Jordan always knew how to make things about the female players. Angelina, Alicia and Katie were doing laps around the pitch. I caught sight of the Hufflepuffs, Cedric's eyes trained on me. I smile at him which he gladly returns. We all meet in the middle of the field. Cedric's eyes were still on me as he met Oliver in the very center of the field. I decided to take a chance at starting now. I bit my bottom lip slightly suductively. I wink at him. He blushes deeply. I unbite my lip. Oliver looks back at me and gives me an approving look. I smile at him. Madame Hooch calls for the boys to shake hands. Oliver holds out his hand. Cedric just continues to look in my direction. " Oi! Diggory!" Madame Hooch says. Cedric snaps out of it and shakes Olivers hand. With that the balls were off." And their off!" Lee announces. " And Angelina has the quaffle and is heading towards the goal!" Lee shouts. " And she scores! Ten points for Gryffindor!" Lee says. " Let's see how our favorite seeker is! Awe there she is!" He says spotting me circling the pitch. " I must say, Oliver decided to really doll her up! She looks fabulous!" Lee says. I flash a smile at the crowd. I finally spot the snitch. But so does Cedric.

We were flying neck and neck. I glance at him at the same time he does me. Our eyes meet. I wink at him. He falters and falls behind. " Something's happened to Diggory today! He just doesn't seem into it!" Lee announces. I speed ahead. I feel my fingers wrap around the cool exterior of the snitch. I stop and hold the snitch high in the air. " And Juliet got the snitch! Gryffindor wins!" Lee roars. The cheers from our house was massive. Oliver gave me a proud smile. " Diggory is making his way to Potter! What is going to happen?" Lee says. Cedric was smiling as he rode his broom over. " Nice job Potter..." He says almost reaching me. " You too Diggory..." I say smirking. He reaches me and his broom is so close our feet are touching. He grabs my face in his hands and leans in. I oblige as he smashes his lips to mine. " Woah! Was not expecting that! I was expecting a verbal fight! But this! This is even better!" Lee says. Cedric pulls away slowly. He flashes his award winning smile. " I should win more often..." I say smirking. " I would kiss you even if you lost..." He says. " Come on Juliet!" I hear Oliver call. " I got to go..." I say. " Meet me tonight at midnight in the astronomy tower..." Cedric says. " Ok..." I say before flying to the ground. Nikki comes over. "Oooooh Juliet getting some!" She says smirking. " Oh shut up!" I say embarrassed. " Well isn't Pretty Boy Diggory so dreamy Freddie?" George asks acting like a girl who thinks their in love. " Oh definitely Georgie!" Fred says. I roll my eyes. Nikki continues to dance like she was cheering. She must have had a good first game. Fred smirks. " Looking good love..." He says. I snicker. Her eyes widen as she stops and puts her hands behind her back. She looks at the ground blushing. "Z-zanks... I guess." She says quietly. He smiles and walks over to her. " You did great during the game too... I was watching the whole time..." Fred says. " He also missed six bludgers because of it! He was day dreaming like a highschool girl!" George teased. I burst out laughing. Nikki giggles to herself blushing even more if that's possible. Fred kisses her cheekly softly. " Oh how cute! Isn't it cute Georgie?" I say. " Way too cute Jay! I think I'm going to die from the cuteness!" George says dramatically. Nikki looks up at Fred smiling while biting her lip. I can feel the love radiating off of them. " Oh now the loving stares... I can't take it Georgie! I think I'm gonna die!" I say playfully collapsing on the ground. " Oh Jay stay with me! Please!" George pleads. "Your guy's veirdness is going to kill me." Nikki says with a annoyed but playful glare. " But you love us!" I say smiling and sitting up on the ground. "Barely." She says as she turns to walk to the locker room and change. I head to change and then head back to the school. Tonight was going to be a long night.

Time skip...
It was ten minutes till midnight. I crawled out of bed grabbing the invisibility cloak. "Vere do you zink your going?" I hear Nikki ask sitting up. " Uh... Bathroom..." I lie. "Uh huh? Zat's why you need a cloak?" She asks raising an eyebrow. " I'm cold..." I lie once again. "I know your lying..." She says standing up and crossing her arms. " What? No..." I say. "You can't exactly lie to me. So spit out the truth." She says tapping a foot impatiently. " I'm going to the astronomy tower... I forgot to get the book I need for my homework..." I say partially lying. Nikki stares blankly at me. " So I best go get it so I can complete the assignment..." I say before turning to leave. "Vait!" She says and I slowly turn back around. "So if your just going to get your book you are okay vith me coming with you right?" She asks. Damn her. " The cloak only fits one... Two of us would be too obvious... Other wise I would take you..." I lie smoothly. I hoped she would give up. "Do I look like the person to care veather I am under a cloak or not?" She asks. " it's an invisibility cloak so I don't get caught by Filch..." I explain. "Okay? Do I look like I care veather I fit under a clock or not?" She asks again. Dammit she's gonna make me late. I look at her. " I care if I'm caught... Filch would kill us... I have to go alone to be unseen..." I say. "Fine but if your not back in ten minutes I'm going to look for you." She says shrugging. " Um... Ok..." I say. I rush out god I was screwed. I ran as fast as I could. I made it. Cedric was waiting. " We don't have time get under here..." I say pulling him into the cloak. It actually could fit more than one person. I made it back with two minutes to spare. I pulled the cloak off myself. Cedric stayed beneath. I put a finger to my lips. I stood on the stairs so it wouldn't turn to a slide I follow him up a fake astronomy book in hand. " Told you I'd be back..." I say. She raises an eyebrow. "Vere did your cloak go?" She asks. " I left it down in the common room... I'll go get it..." I run downstairs and to the boys dorm. I snatch Harry's and race back upstairs. " Here it is..." I say showing my brother's cloak which is identical to mine. "Okay vell now I'm not tired. Come sit and talk vith me." She says sitting on her bed and patting the space next to her. Oh god. This was going to take a while. I smile at her. " Sure..." I say reluntantly sitting, throwing the astronomy book on my bed. "So... You and Cedric?" She says winking. " Yeah what about it?" I say blushing. The worst part was he was in the room. She sits staring at me making it awkward. "Have you dreamt about him?" She says raising her eyebrows. " What? Why would I tell you that?" I say. God this was going to be worse then I thought. "Because I'm your best friend." She says like it obvious. " Well that is not something I want to reveal..." I say. She gasps and jumps up. "You have haven't you!? That's vhy you von't tell me!" She exclaims. " That's not why! It's private!" I say. That's when the worst possible thing happened. Someone sneezed and you could tell it was a guy.

Potter and Farron ( A Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now