45. Week Two

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Juliet's POV:
Me and Ced were sprawled on the couch. I was so bored. I was playing with his fingers. That's when Mrs. Weasley came in. " Us adults are going shopping... Sirius will be watching... See you soon..." She says. " Have fun..." I say. She laughs and then leaves the way she came. I soon hear a large crack from the kitchen. Ced smirks at me. I raise an eyebrow. Next thing I know I'm underneath him and his grey eyes are staring into mine. I giggle. I bite my lip. " God I missed touching you..." He whispers. That's when Sirius comes in. " Don't stop on my account I just want my book..." Sirius says chuckling. He grabs his book and leaves the room. I giggle at my idiotic god father. Ced chuckles. He looks back into my eyes. He presses his lips softly to mine. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling me closer. His tongue slides into my mouth. God I missed this. Ced pulls away and starts to leave kisses down my jawline. I let out a moan. Ced's kisses trail down my neck and to my collar bone. I moan. He smirks against my skin. He undoes the first few buttons of my shirts. His kisses trail to the valley between my breasts. I feel his hand go down my pants. He strokes my womanhood. I gasp and arch my back at the contact. That's when he slides two fingers into me. I moan out in pleasure. He slides a third one in and then starts to move them in and out. He picks up speed while my moans pick up volume. Ced covers my mouth quickly. That's when I release and let out a muffled scream of pleasure. Ced pulls his fingers out. But apparently we weren't done.

He undoes my pants and pulls them to my knees. He brings my panties down with them. I bite my lip. God I missed him. He puts his head between my legs and I let out a whimper as his tongues slide into my folds. I grip onto his hair as he teases my bud. " Ced..." I moan out. He responds by sucking down. I grip his hair tighter and arch my back. He grips my thighs. I let out another moan. He plunges his tongue deeper into my folds. I let out a small scream. I feel myself become close. That's when I cover my own mouth. I let out another muffled scream as I release again. Ced pulls out and wipes his mouth. He smirks at me. I bite my lip as blush crosses my face. He stands up. I pull up my pants and stand as well. He wraps his arms around my waist. " Your so sexy..." He says in a low suductive tone. I giggle. He presses his lips to mine. " Really... Really... Sexy..." He says between kisses. He pulls away to look at me. My cheeks are bright red. " I love you..." I say cupping his cheek. " I love you too..." He says then presses his lips to mine for a few seconds. " You better go change before Mrs. Weasley gets home..." He says as we pull away. I nod and go upstairs. I find Nikki in our room. " Hey Nik..." I say. "I... I don't... Your bad at being quiet..." Nikki says looking at me. I face palm. " The parents aren't home... Well Sirius is..." I stutter in embarrassment. "I'm here, Fred's here, George, Ginny, Ron, Percy, even Bill is here." She says and I realize that a lot of the people were still here. " Wait Percy was here? He'll tell for sure!" I say in shock. "Well good luck. This is what happens when you can't be quiet and also you don't really know how to cover up." She says crossing her arms. I flop in my bed. " I'm dead... They're going to kill us and Sirius..." I say. "What do you want me to do?" She asks. "I can't help now." She adds. I run a hand down my face. I get up and change.

 I get up and change

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Potter and Farron ( A Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now