19. The First I Love You

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Juliet's POV:
Nikki and I were hanging out in our shared room at the Leaky Cauldron. " Have you told Fred you love him yet?" I ask. She's silent as she plays with her necklaces. " Nik?" She says. "No." She sighs. " Why not? I know you do..." I say. "I know I do too. I mean he has said it to me. Twice on Christmas but I never said it back. I think I hurt him because he hasn't said it since. I just feel horrible. And whenever I try to tell him it goes wrong. Like one time I went up to him and said 'I... Love... Turtles?' exactly like that. That was one awkward conversation. It just doesn't come out right." She says flopping onto her back on her bed while sighing. I slightly giggle at my awkward friend. " Maybe it's because you haven't found the right moment... When I tell Ced it's usually in a pretty steamy moment..." I say. " Ooo! Maybe a date!" I exclaim. "Ehh... Maybe..." She says shrugging. " It will be perfect!" I say. "I guess..." She says with her ashamed look. " Maybe you two will have a nice make out sesh..." I say wiggling my eyebrows. "Yeah..." She says looking up at the ceiling in deep thought. " You know... At least Cedric's dad is better with our displays of affection... I mean when I stay with them we sleep in the same bed! It must be horrible with Mrs. Weasley!" I say.

"Wait... You guys sleep in the same bed?" She asks sitting up but still holds a slight look of ashame under her shock. " Yeah... um..." I say rubbing the back of my neck. "Sounds fun." She sounds like she's trying to be sarcastic but fails. " I mean it can be... making out and all..." I say embarrassed. I can tell I'm blushing madly. "Uh huh." She says not seeming to be paying attention. " You ok?" I ask. "Ehh..." She says in response. " Nikki what's wrong?" I ask concerned now. "I just... I feel like a bad girlfriend. Fred has told me he loves me which probably took a lot of courage and I have failed to return the feelings." She says sighing sitting up on her bed. " Nikki he knows you love him..." I say. "But I probably hurt him. When you say I love you, you expect a response right? Well I never gave one." She says standing up and slipping on a sweater that looked to be Fred's. " He doesn't need you to say the words Nik... I can see how much you love him by the way you look at him... I'm sure he does too..." I say. "Maybe." She says as she opens the door. "Shall we?" She asks pointing downstairs. " Sure..." I say. We walk down the steps and Nikki goes and sits next to Fred as they look at the Daily Prophet. I sit on Ced's lap. He kisses my cheek his lips lingering on my cheek. " I love you..." He says. I didn't want to say it front of Nikki after the discussion. We just had. But I would feel way too guilty not to because I do. " I love you too..." I say softly. She smiles at me slightly and looks down at the ground. Ced was rubbing my thigh gently. I giggle at his actions. " You know your giggle is sexy right?" He asks winking. I blush madly. George starts making puking sounds. "You gag when you see them but when you see me and Fred you take pictures. What?" Nikki says raising an eyebrow at George. " He's my brother..." George says smiling. She rolls her eyes and looks back to the ground again. Mrs. Weasley comes into the room carrying food. " Juliet dear are you going to sit there all dinner?" Mrs. Weasley asks. " Oh Molly let the kids have fun..." Amos says sitting down next to Author where the adults are sitting. I peck his cheek but slide into the seat next to him. Nikki chuckles at Amos' response. I smile at her. " We'll shopping tomorrow morning..." Mrs. Weasley said sitting. "Okay."Nikki says leaning her head against Fred's shoulder. Cedric had his hand on my thigh. It might have made me uncomfortable if it wasn't a normal thing. I also think if Mrs. Weasley saw he would have some sort of satisfaction. That's when he squeezed. I squeeled and my knee banged off the table. " Juliet are you alright dear?" Mrs. Weasley asked. Cedric was chuckling. He removed his hand from my they which Mrs. Weasley took notice to. " Cedric Diggory!" She exclaims. " Now Now Molly..." Amos says. Nikki laughs quietly and closes her eyes while leaning on Fred. Is she okay? We all eat a silent dinner after that.

Once we were back in the room I started asking questions. " Nikki what's wrong?" I ask. "I don't know. I've just been so tired lately." She says falling onto her bed. " Is it about what we talked about? I'm really sorry..." I say. "No. It's been like this since I started my transformations a few weeks ago." She says and I give a confused look. " Is this about you being... You know... Half demon..." I say quitely so if someone were to pass the room they wouldn't hear. "I've been taking my demon form more then I normally do. I can control myself from killing anyone and it's given me a chance to work with my demon magic so I can use it for good but it's never a good sign when I start to change more." She sighs looking away from me. " Nikki I'm here to help you... Taking a different form isn't easy... I know..." I say. I considered telling her my secret. Only Ced and Harry knew. "For me it's different it means something dangerous is coming. And what do you mean you know?" She asks confused. " Um... I... It's better if I show you... Step back..." I say taking a deep breath. She gets off her bed and gives me space. I jump off my bed but when I land I'm not me anymore. Well I'm me but in different form. My senses are heightened. I was now a large brown dog with piercing green eyes. Yeah I'm an animagus. I turn back and look at her. She looks kinda confused. "Okay that's new. But also you have control over changing. The more I change... The more dangerous it becomes for me and everyone around me." She says still taking in my new form. " You can't tell anyone I'm an animagus Nikki... I'm not registered which means I'm not legal..." I say sitting on her bed. "I won't. I promise." She says. She looks at the ground as if she was considering saying something. " What is it Nikki..." I say. "When I take my demon form more often I normally means..." She trails of not sure if she should tell me. " Nikki tell me... Please..." I say. "It mean that another demon is close. And that's what makes it so dangerous. I took my form a lot while at the Weasley's this summer." She sighs with worry in her eyes. I sigh. " Have you thought of telling Fred?" I ask. "No. He'll hate me." She says turning and looking at the wall. " He won't hate you Nikki... I didn't... He loves you just as much as I do..." I say taking her hand. "Well when the hell do you think will be a good time to jump out and say 'Hey Fred I'm a half demon that was constructed to kill humans. But don't worry I use them for good'? I don't think that will go down so well." She says with slight attitude but sighs afterwards. " Just tell him when it feels right he'll understand..." I say. "I guess..." She says sighing once again. That's when Mrs. Weasley opens the door. " Lights out... No leaving your rooms..." She says. " Ok..." I say. With that she leaves. " Night Nikki..." I say. "Night..." She says laying in her bed. I lay in mine. That's when the door opens. I expect it to be Mrs. Weasley. It's Cedric. " I had to wait for the guard dog to leave..." Cedric says chuckling. I laugh. He crawls under the covers and pulls me to his chest. I snuggle into him and soon fall asleep in his arms.

Potter and Farron ( A Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now