32. Quidditch World Cup

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Juliet's POV:
We were walking through the woods. Ced had an arm tightly around my waist. He leans in to my ear. " I'll continue showing you the bed later..." He whispers. I felt my face go bright red. Nikki slowly looks over at us. "I heard that." She says and then shakes her head turning back around. My eyes widen. " Wha... What?" I stutter. "You two need help. And this is coming from the girl who went to therapy for three years of her life." Nikki says as she continues to walk not looking at us. I raise an eyebrow. " Who needs help?" Mr. Diggory asks. "Me." Nikki takes the fall for us. " I heard two Nikki..." Mr. Diggory says. God he is interrogating tonight. "I was talking about me and my sister." She lies. " Nikki stop covering for those two..." George says pointing at me and Ced. God damn him. "George keep your damn mouth shut." Nikki says lightly slapping him in the face. " So why do these two need help?" Mr. Diggory asks. "Their relationship grosses me out." Nikki says covering for us again. I laugh lightly. " Try living with them..." Mr. Diggory says jokingly. Ced chuckles. Nikki laughs a bit at this. We arrive at the dome. Fuck its huge. " Oh my Merlin..." I mumble. "What's huge?" Nikki whispers to me giggling. My eyes go wide. " The dome.. O.. Of cour.. Course..." I stutter out. Nikki laughs clutching her stomach. " What's so funny?" I whisper. "You know what I was thinking?" She asks with a smirk. That's when Ced comes up. " What are you ladies talking about?" He asks. " Um..." I say. I glance at his crotch quickly but look back at his eyes. I think Nikki caught that. Nikki bursts out laughing and starts coughing. "Ahh... I'm choking... On my own saliva." She laughs in between coughs. "Why did you look?" She laughs her eyes watering from how hard she is laughing. Fred raises an eyebrow at her but is laughing from her laugh. " What? I did nothing!" I defend. "I was thinking about Fred though." She whispered in my ear. "I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding." She says quickly while laughing again. " I'm very confused..." Fred and Ced say at the same time. Nikki's cheeks go red remembering Fred was there.

"You should be." She says embarrassed. I'm still beat red. " It was about your um..." I say embarrassed. " They were talking about your dicks..." George says from behind us. My eyes go wide. Nikki once again starts choking on her saliva this time from shock. I can't even with this girl. Fred looks shocked and Ced is smirking. " So that's what that downward glance was about..." Ced says. I nod slowly. He chuckles. Nikki coughs a few more times then laughs pointing at me. "He saw you." She laughs. I face palm. " She can look wherever she wants..." Ced says smirking. " I'm still confused..." Fred says his mouth gaping. "How are you still confused." Nikki asks looking at him weirdly. " Why were you talking about our dicks?" Fred says cluelessly. " Oh Freddie..." George says. " They were talking about the size..." George adds. " O... Oh..." Fred stutters out. " Plus I'm sure Juliet won't have to wonder much longer..." George says turning to me. Nikki giggles. "I doubt it's even anything to be excited for." Nikki mumbles under her breath. "What?" She says acting as if she didn't say anything. " I'm sure it is..." I say regaining my composure. " She won't be disappointed..." Ced says coming up behind me and pulling me to his chest. " Your pants are getting a little tight there buddy..." George says. My eyes widen again. "Ewww!" Nikki says. "We're fourteen why is this happening?!" She asks looking a bit uncomfortable. That's when Ced pulls me closer and I feel it. My face goes bright red. I bite my lip. "I'm... I'm just going to go this way..." She says walking up the stairs. "Looking good Nikki." Malfoy says from the stands underneath us standing with his dad and Chase. I pull from Ced now. " Shove off Malfoy..." I snap. "No one asked you Potter. Besides my dad talked with her dad and we are going to be wed." He says glaring at me. Nikki gives a face of disgust. " In your dreams..." I snap. "No in more then just my dreams. This is reality and I think you all know her father is stronger then all of you and can control Nikki to do what is best for her." Draco argues back. I smirk at him. " What's best for her is Fred..." I say growling deeply. I'm registered now so letting loose wouldn't matter. I start to get hot. "Juliet." Nikki says placing a hand on my shoulder. "Just leave it alone." She says looking at me worried. " Nik I can't just leave it alone..." I say slightly shaking. "Please... Please." She begs looking slightly scared. I sigh. " Fine..." I say. Ced takes my hand. " Come on baby..." He says. Nikki sighs. Ced takes me up the stands. I try to cool off. " I should've ripped his head off..." I say coldly. "No. We're not going to kill anyone today. There's no point anyways. He's not worth it." Nikki says standing next to me. George is dragging Fred up and Fred looks pissed. " If he touches you I'm gonna kill him..." Fred says. "Hey hey baby. Calm down." Nikki says cupping his cheek. He takes a deep breath. I notice his scars are almost gone. The only thing stopping me from running after Malfoy is Ced's tight grip on my hand. "It's okay. I'm still here." Nikki says trying to keep Fred calm. I take a deep breath. I look at Fred. " If Nikki hadn't stopped me I would have changed and left more than a scar..." I say. "Shhhh child shhh..." Nikki says tapping my forehead. I growl playfully. Nikki actually jumps away. "Did that really scare you?" Fred asks. "There's a reason I'm very jumpy. It's part of my anxiety. I am easily scared." She says. " I'm sorry..." I say softly. "Your fine." She says and the Quidditch game starts. We all stand watching. I scream when the Irish fly in. Nikki covers her ear. "Owww!" She shouts. I laugh at my idiotic best friend. The Irish seeker tosses a jersey and I catch it. " I got it!" I exclaim. Nikki looks at me like I'm crazy. "What?" I ask. "Your insane." She says and Fred laughs at her. " I'm just bloody brilliant!" I say smirking. Nikki facepalms. Ced squeezes my butt and I squeal. "I'm leaving." She says turning to leave. Fred slaps her ass. She jumps and squeals turning around. He smirks at her. " It's nice perky..." He says and I burst out laughing. "You want to play that game?" She asks raising an eyebrow. " Oh hell yeah..." He says smirking. She stands back in her spot and smacks his ass smirking. He almost moans. I bury my face in Ced's chest. Nikki laughs and stands straight again. Fred slaps her ass again. She squeals again while laughing. This time she squeezes his ass. He moans. " Alright you two chill..." George says. "He started it." Nikki says in defense. We all laugh and watch the rest of the game.

Potter and Farron ( A Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now