36. Five Champions?

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Nikki's POV:
I was waiting for Juliet to come back. I was so worried. That's when she enters with Ced.

"Juliet!" I say throwing myself at her and wrapping my arms around her. She wraps her arms around me.

" Hey Nik..." She says quietly.

"What happened back there?" I ask quietly while pulling away and backing falling next to Fred.

" Harry and I are now Triwizard champions..." She says her voice shaking.

"So there's... Five champions?" I ask wide eyed. "They can't do that! Your not even of age!" I protest.

" I guess the goblet has a magical binding contract... We have to compete..." she says looking down.

"That's the dumbest thing ever." I say then of course Angelina had to walk over.

"So Freddie..." She says twirling her hair. I don't even plan to stay. I get up and storm out my hands balled into fists. I hear a scream from inside and then Juliet comes jogging up beside me.

"Would you stop punching people all the time." I grumble as I walk to the common room.

" I didn't punch her! I growled at her..." She says laughing.

"Stop scaring people." I say once we are in the common room and walk up to the dormitory. Juliet follows in silence. The boys enter the dorm a little while later.

" You guys ok?" They ask at the same time. Juliet walks over to Ced who wraps his arms around her. I fall onto my bed shoving my pillow into my face while groaning. Fred lays next to me.

" Love?" he asks.

"Hmmm?" I hum not looking up.

" Are you ok?" He asks. He strokes my hair lightly.

"I don't know anymore." I say into my pillow muffling my words.

" I love you..." Fred whispers so I can only hear. I look up smiling.

"I love you too..." I whisper back then shove my face back in the pillow. He pushes my hair to the side and presses his lips to my neck. I sigh trying not to let out a moan. He doesn't like that so he sucks down. I let out a whimper and bite my lip.

" Stop that!" Juliet shouts throwing a pillow at us. Ced bursts out laughing. I sigh and pull the hood on my sweatshirt over my neck.

" You should get some sleep love..." Fred says.

"I'm not tired." I say looking over at him raising an eyebrow.

" You've had a long day that's all..." He says.

"And I got a lot of sleep considering I have been in the hospital wing twice since we came here." I say sitting up. I hear giggling and Angelina skips in. I hate that we have to share a dormitory with her. She bites her lip and stares at Fred.

"Why are you up here Freddie? Are you here for me?" She asks smirking. I roll my eyes and shake my head then leave the dormitory. I can't be alone with him, I can't be with him without a prettier girl trying to take him away.

Juliet's POV:
I jump up. God I was furious. Fred stands up as well. " He's not here for you..." I say scowling. She looks with fear then it fades. "What are you going to do?" She asks crossing her arms. " Protect my family which means anything I can..." I say. " And I would never want you, you ugly ass bitch..." Fred retorts. She looks hurt and runs out crying. " Well that works..." I say. Fred runs out of the dormitory.

Fred's POV
I rush out trying to find Nikki. If I was her where would I go. The black lake! I run and see her sitting on the edge her legs pulled up to her chest as she looks out at the water. " Nikki!" I call. She looks over her hair blowing to the side. " She won't bother us again... Juliet and I made sure of it..." I say sitting next to her. "You should be with her instead of me." She says looking back out at the water. "I'm mean she's normal, she's not a killer, she pretty and can be cute when she wants to be." She continues. "She's everything I wish I was. She's perfect girlfriend material. I'm perfect devil material." Says looking at me then looking back out again. I shake my head. " I called her an ugly ass bitch..." I admit. "Well you should be saying that to me. I'm the ugly ass bitch. Everyone including her is better looking then me." She says not looking over. " No your the most beautiful woman in the world..." I say. She sighs. "I don't see it." She shrugs. " Well I do..." I say. " I love you more than anything Nicolette Farron..." I add. She sighs still not looking at me. I take her hand and kiss the back of it. I see a tear slip down her cheek and she takes a deep breath. " Nikki your all I want and more... You may see a demon when you look at yourself but I see a perfect angel... Your my everything..." I say wrapping an arm around her shoulders. She quickly buries her head into my chest pulling my close to her. " I won't ever leave you..." I say holding her close. She looks up at me in my eyes biting her lip. I cup her cheek. I kiss her forehead. Once I pull my lips from her forehead I feel her lips connect to mine. I pull her closer by the waist. I slip my tongue into her mouth. She moans quietly into my mouth and we lay back on the ground as she straddles me. I grip her thighs. I start to kiss down her neck. I feel her womanhood rub up against my lower region as she moans out. Oh god she was sexy. I gripped her thighs tighter. "Fred..." She moans out my name tugging at my hair. " Oh Nikki..." I moan out in between kisses. My hands start to travel up her body. I slide them under her shirt. She brings her hands down to my buttons on my shirt and starts to unbutton them still grinding against me. I start to massage her breast through her bra. She let's out a moan in pleasure still unbuttoning my shirt. I slide my hands from under her shirt. My hands find her ass and I squeeze. She moans out and I unbutton her pants sliding my hand in. She moans from the contact. I slide my fingers into her. She bites her lip and quietly moans. She presses her lips against my neck as she moans softly. I start to move my fingers in and out, slowly pulsing. "Oh Fred..." She breaths out then lightly bites on my neck. " Oh Nik..." I moan out making my fingers move faster. She starts to moan louder. I feel her start to slowly reach her climax. I pound in harder, my fingers throbbing. "Fred!" She screams my name against my neck as she releases onto my fingers. " Oh god Nikki..." I say pulling out of her. She takes deep breaths her face still buried into my neck. " I love you so damn much..." I say. "I love you too." She says looking into my eyes starting to come down from her high. " That was... Amazing..." I breath out. "That was better then amazing." She says resting her forehead on mine. " Now you see all I want is you..." I say. She laughs and gets up smiling. She buttons up her pants and straightens her shirt and hair. I button my shirt back up. " We better get back before they start to worry..." I say. Nikki nods as she offers a hand to help me up. I stand, and we walk hand in hand back to the castle. "Not a word of any of this to anyone." She warns. " I promise... But I feel like Juliet will find out because she is Juliet..." I say chuckling. "She better not." Nikki says rolling her eyes. She's walking in front of me her ass shaking slightly with each step she took. I can't help but stare. We make it back to the common room.

Potter and Farron ( A Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now