26. Rescuing Nikki

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Nikki's POV:
I glare at Nicolas as he walks back and forth in front of the chair I'm tied to. We are currently in his old house.

"Oh poor poor Nicolette. Your weak aren't you. Ever since your little boy toy left you you've been weak haven't you?" He lifts my chin with his index finger. I pull my face away. "Oh come on Nikki you know your true manor. You know you are a human killing monster. Just get that in you think head." He says and growl. "Fine if you won't change yourself then I could probably get into that little brain of yours." He says smirking. I feel pain in my head as he manages to change my thoughts around. I hear the door burst open right as my mind changes.

"Let her go!" Fred says walking in. The only thing I can think of is blood from them on my hands because Nicolas is forcing me to think that.

"Oh okay." He says untying me. I jump up and run to attack.

Juliet's POV:
I see what's happening because she told me it might. " Fred! No!" I shout. Fred dodges the attack. I turn to Nicolas. " Let her go!" I growl. It didn't sound human. It sounded dog like. "I don't need to! She's my daughter!" Nicolas shouts. After Fred doged Nikki fell into a wall. She stands back up and she heads to attack me. I phase quickly. I growl deeply at her. Nicolas looks surprised. I shove off her attack easily and she falls unconscious. Atleast she won't hurt anyone. I turn on Nicolas. I growl as I stalk towards. Nicolas throws a fireball at me and turns jumping out the window. I dodge the fireball quickly and rush to the window. He was gone. Fred picked up Nikki and layed her across my broad back. I run as fast as I can.

Nikki's POV:
I squint my eyes as I slowly open them adjusting to the light. I groan as I bring my hand to my head.

" Sorry about that..." Someone says. It's Juliet.

"What the hell happened?" I ask not remembering what happened after the others came into my dad's house.

" Your dad took over your mind... You attacked me and I phased... I knocked you out cold... That's why your head hurts..." She says.

"It doesn't just hurt it feels like I fell off a ten story building!" I exclaim trying to get up. She looks guilty.

" Sorry... I guess I'm stronger than I thought..." She says rubbing the back of her neck.

"Yeah." I say as I stand up.

"Everyone probably hates me." She says with an ashamed look.

" They all still love you..." I say.

" I'm sorry Nikki... I didn't mean anything I said... And I'm sorry for hitting you..." She says looking down.

"It's fine I guess. I just don't want to show my face around the others right now." I say and right after Fred runs in and I roll my eyes. Juliet shoots him a look and he runs out. That's when I hear a groan from the other side of Juliet. I see Harry sleeping.

"What happened?" I ask confused.

" Dementor attack during the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff match..." Juliet says.

"Is everything alright?" I ask worried.

" Harry fell about 350 feet... Everyone else was fine..." Juliet says. I could tell by everyone she means Cedric. I nod.

"Eww." I say as I move uncomfortably. Juliet giggles.

" He'll be fine... Professor Dumbledore slowed his fall..." Juliet says.

"That's not why I said eww." I say laughing.

"I just haven't changed for a while. I feel gross in these clothes." I say. Juliet bursts out laughing.

Potter and Farron ( A Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now