43. Spring break

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Nikki's POV:
I am packing some things I need for the two weeks were going to need for spring break since we didn't have Christmas break. Juliet was packing with me. She had been eating better in the last few days. Even her bones weren't as prominent. She looked more like herself.

" Mr. Diggory is staying with the Weasley's for spring break so we'll be there the whole time..." Juliet says.

"Cool..." I say as I grab some clothes out of the dresser and placing them in my bag. Juliet smiles to herself. She seems happier.

" It's going to be hard..." She says laughing.

"What's going to be hard?" I ask closing up my bag.

" Not touching him..." Juliet says giggling. I roll my eyes.

"You guys can last two weeks." I say shaking my head.

" I don't know how..." She says laughing.

"Is it bad that I question if your relationship is just sexual or is real?" I ask jokingly.

" It's real... We lasted two years without that kind of stuff... It just started this year..." Juliet says laughing.

"But like... All you do is sexual stuff. I've never seen you two do anything else." I say laughing along.

" That's because it's private... We go on dates all of the time..." Juliet says giggling.

"Okay. Sadly everytime I see you guys together now it's always Cedric trying to make you moan or you just finished something. I swear it's the grossest thing ever." I say shaking my head again.

" Well you just see the stuff you don't want to..." She teases.

"It's... It's disturbing." I say and walk downstairs with my bag. Juliet follows with her bag. Cedric is downstairs waiting. Ced pecks Juliet on the lips. She smiles at him. He takes her hand in his.

" You ladies ready?" Ced asks.

"As soon as my boyfriend and his brother get down here." I say looking up to the boys dorm. "What the hell are you two doing!?" I yell up at them. Next thing you know the two trample each other down the stairs and fall down the stairs. I just try to hold in my laughter. Juliet bursts out laughing.

" You two are idiots..." Juliet says pointing at them in laughter. Ced chuckles. I just let out a small laugh and then walk out of the common room shaking my head at the twins. Everyone else follows. We head to the platform. George goes off on his own. The four of us go to find an empty compartment. We find one towards the back. Ced put's his and Juliet's bags up and sits. He pulls Juliet into his lap. I drop my bag on the seat then take up most of the space in the seat across from Jay and Ced.

"Your not allowed to sit Freddie." I say jokingly as I look at him from where I was laying. He grabs the bag and puts it up above.

" Watch me..." He says playfully as he sits. I push him off the seat playfully.

"I said no!" I shout giggling. He gets up and tickles me.

" And I said watch me..." He says laughing.

"No... Stop tickling... Me... Please..." I breath out through laughs. I struggle to get out of his grasp as I laugh loudly. He stops. Juliet giggles.

" You guys are silly..." Juliet says shaking her head.

"At least he stopped. If he kept going I would have probably would have accidentally hit him or something." I say. Juliet giggles. Ced was stroking her hair. I look out the window and watch as the train starts to move. I soon hear snoring. I look over to see Juliet asleep. "Seriously? She was awake and perfectly fine like two seconds ago and now she's out?" I ask giggling.

Potter and Farron ( A Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now