46. The Third Task

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Juliet's POV:

We are all waiting to be called. I look around and spot Nikki coming our way. I feel tears start to sting my eyes. "So this is were it all ends..." She says sadly. "Promise me you won't do anything stupid..." I say. "Can't promise anything." She says her voice cracking at the end of her sentence. "At least make sure he doesn't do anything stupid..." I say glancing at Ced. "I'll try my best." She says looking as if she's trying not to break down. "Nikki tell him after I loved him more then life itself... Make sure he knows that." I say. She nods and takes a deep breath. I pull her into me. "I'm sorry..." I say. I try to keep the tears in. "You gotta do what you gotta do right." She says her voice cracking then getting quieter. "I love you Nik..." I say. "I love you." She whispers. She pulls away and a tear slides down her cheek. I pull out the letters I wrote. "There's one for everyone... Each says a different thing... Well except why... Well I did write it in Ced's parents letter... I thought they should know..." I say handing them to her. She nods and takes them. Then Dumbledore starts to announce. "I best be going..." Nikki says. I pull her into me once more. "Bring my body back..." I say before pulling away again. I look into her hazel eyes trying to remember them. They fill up with tears and she nods. She slowly turns and walks up to the stands. I watch her disappear into the crowd. I turn towards Ced. His grey eyes find mine. He comes over. As soon as he reaches me I pull him into the most passionate kiss we have ever had. He responds with just as much passion. His tongue slides slowly into my mouth. We pull apart when we need air. " I love you..." I say looking into his beautiful slate eyes. " I love you too..." He says back.

" Tied for first place Juliet Potter and Cedric Diggory!" I hear Dumbledore announce. Ced takes my hand in his and we walk out. We are met by the cheers from the stands. I spot Sirius in dog form sitting on the grass next to Dumbledore. He nods at me. I offer him a sad smile. I hear him whimper. I feel a tear slide down my face. Mr. Diggory is waiting for us. He pulls Ced into a hug and then me. " Love you both..." He says. We both just nod. " Next in second place... Harry Potter!" Dumbledore announces. I watch my brother walk out. I walk to him and pull him into me. He hugs me back. " I love you Harry..." I say. " I love you too Juliet..." He says as we pull away. We both walk to Ced. The other two are announced and in position. " Juliet, Cedric and Harry will go first followed by Victor then Fleur..." Dumbledore says. We get in position at the three entrances. I'm in the middle. Ced is to my right and Harry is to my left. I look once between the boys who both nod at me when they catch my eyes. I look into the maze. I touch my lips wishing the warmth of Cedric's were upon them. A tear slips down my face when I realize that was probably our last kiss. The cannon sounds and I run full force into the maze.

It has been a good twenty minutes. I have run into anything. My wand is gripped tight in my hand. I run quickly through the paths. That's when I run into someone. We both fall to the ground. " I never really realized how hard of a head you have until now baby..." The person says. It was Ced. " Ced!" I exclaim wrapping my arms around him. He immediately pulls me to him. I don't want to let him go. " Hey baby..." He says. I quickly press my lips to his. He pulls me closer by my waist. He slides his tongue into my mouth. I straddle him without a care in the world. We pull away when we hear a sound. " Somethings coming..." Ced says. I nod and we both get up. We run together. That's when Ced falls. He has vines around his feet pulling him away. I dive down and grab onto his hands. I hold him with all of my might. " Go... Save yourself..." He says. " No I'm not leaving you..." I say. That's when someone shouts from behind me, " Reducto!" The vines blast apart. Ced scrambles to his feet and pulls me with him. I turn to see Harry. " Harry!" I exclaim. I tackle my brother in hug. " Hey sis..." He says. We pull away after a few seconds. " We need to move..." Ced says. I nod. We all continue down the path. That's when I see it. The cup.

We all run towards it. " Harry should take it..." Ced says when we stop. " No it should be you... You saved me earlier..." Harry says. I give my boyfriend a grateful smile. " All together..." I suggest. They both nod. We all take a position around the cup. " On the count of three... One... Two... Three..." I say and we grab the cup. There is a twisting motion. Next thing I know we are in a graveyard. Here comes my death. I see the same figure that was in my dream. The three of us stand. " Kill the spare..." I hear a cold voice say. " Avada Kedavra!" I hear. I quickly jump in front of Ced. The last thing I remember is a flash of green light.

Cedric's POV:

I watch as she jumps in front of me. The spell hits her and she falls at my feet. She looks to be sleeping. I never knew how peaceful death could be. I fall to my knees next to her. My baby girl. Gone. Just like that. Tears start to stream down my face. I pull her head into my lap. I stroke her hair. " Why did you have to do that? Now your gone what am I supposed to do?" I whisper. I hear alot of ruckus. I don't care. I pull her behind a grave stone so we aren't seen. I cry over her. Why did she do that? She should've of just let me die. I see flashes of light and look up. Harry is in a duel with... Voldemort? I pull Juliet's body closer to me. I see figures appear around him as there spells collide. Harry finally pulls away and rushes towards me. He points at the cup behind me. I pull her towards it. I feel my hand wrap around the handle just as Harry's does. The last thing I hear is, " papaver!" I loose consciousness.

Nikki's POV:
I see the others appear and I run down the stands pushing through the crowd. Harry is crying over Juliet and Cedric is lying next to them. No. He isn't dead is he? The teacher's are holding me back saying I'm not allowed down there.

" Let her through..." I hear Moody say. They let me through and I run down. I fall to the ground crying. Harry puts a comforting arm around me. That's when Juliet coughs.

" I'm not in hell, am I?" She says sarcastically opening her eyes slowly. I look at her shocked then laugh slightly.

"Oh my God your alive." I say quickly pulling her into a hug. She grunts in pain.

" I guess so..." She says.

" How? Juliet you were hit by the killing curse..." Harry says. She shrugs.

" I don't know..." She says. I pull away and then my eyes quickly move to Cedric. Is he dead? He can't be. Her eyes drift to him.

" Ced..." She whispers. Tears form in her eyes. I place my hand on her shoulder trying not to cry. She stands and the falls at his side. She takes his face in her hands. Mr. Diggory is beside her. " He's breathing!" She says relief lacing her tone. I smile lightly and run a hand through my hair. They take Ced on a stretcher. I realize Harry is gone. I wonder where he is. I walk with Juliet to the hospital wing.

Potter and Farron ( A Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now