7. Sneezes

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Juliet's POV:
    I froze. We were definitely caught. "Vat in the hell vas zat?" Nikki says standing up. " Maybe an animal..." I suggested. "Yeah because an animal sounds like..." She tries copying Cedric's sneeze. " Sure Hedwig does it all of the time..." I lie. "Zat bird needs to go to an owl hospital or something then." She says raising her eyebrows. "And the sound came from over here." She says walking to the corner. "Zhere are no animals." She goes to step in the corner but trips over Cedric instead causing her to fall on her stomach and him on top of her. "Ahhh help I'm being murdered!" She shouts trying to crawl out from under him. I cover my face. This did not go as planned. I grabbed Cedric and hoisted him off of her. He was still under the cloak. " Stupid invisible coat rack... Fred and George did it last year..." I say. I put a hand out to help her up. She grabs my hand but pulls herself up more then me pulling her up. "Really?! An invisible coat rack weights one ton and tries to kill?!" She yells dusting herself off. " Yes..." I say. "I don't zink so missy zhere have been enough lies tonight! Vat is the truth? Time to spill." She says sternly with hands placed on her hips and a serious look on her face. That's when Cedric comes up behind me and squeezes my hips. I squeal. He was still invisible though.

   "Vat the hell? Juliet vat is going on?" She asks with a slight glare. I smile nervously at her. " Don't be mad ok..." I say. That's when I pull the cloak off of Cedric. He has a cheeky grin on his face. "I'm not mad I'm pissed." She says crossing her arms. Cedric chuckles as I turn to my bestfriend. I feel his strong arms wrap around my waist. I lean back into his chest. " Sorry..." I say. "Vhy did you not just tell me all zis in the first place? Damn I mean I could be sleeping and you could be fucking Cedric or vatever you guys do but no... I have to deal with zis shit." She says waving her hands everywhere dramatically. " Night..." I say nervously. "Vho said I'm going to sleep now!? You know vhat... I'm going somewhere." She says grabbing her bathrobe, putting it on and opening the door. " Where are you going?" I ask. "I'm going to Fred's dormitory. Maybe I von't have to deal with this bullshit zhere." She says as she walks out. I look at Cedric. " Sorry to cause so much trouble..." He says. " It's ok..." I say. " So do you have dreams about me?" He asks smirking. " All the damn time Diggory..." I say smirking back. "Ha! I knew it!" Nikki shouts up the stairs. How the hell did this bitch hear me? I shake my head. " Your adorable when your embarrassed..." He says. " Your adorable when you call me adorable..." I say back. "You guys are adorable togezer." Nikki says peeking her head in the door. " I thought you said you were going..." I say to her. "I am now. Bye bye." She says and runs down the steps. Cedric swoops me into his arms. I jump up and wrap my legs around his waist. He pushes me against the wall. I smile as he presses his lips to mine. He glides his tongue across my bottom lip asking for entrance.  I give it to him. "Get some bitch!" Nikki says causing us to pull away. Then she runs away again. I swear if she comes back we gonna have issues. Cedric sighs and I jump down. I yawned. He pulled me towards my bed. He crawled into the covers pulling me to his chest. Soon I fell asleep as he stroked my hair.

Nicolette's POV:

I finally leave Cedric and Juliet alone and walk up to Fred's dormitory. I open the door carefully and walk to his bed. He is slightly snoring as he is sprawled out across his bed. Sorry bud. I pull the pillow out from under his head and smack him in the face with it.

"Huh? What? I'm sorry mum!" Fred says sitting up and I giggle.

"Fred it's just me. Juliet vas being very annoying and loud so I came here." I lie with a fake smile.

"Okay. Goodnight." He says laying back down.

"Scoot over you dork." I say pushing him and he moves over. I set his pillow back down and lay on it covering myself with his quilt. I feel Fred's arms wrap around my waist and I tense up.

Potter and Farron ( A Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now