47. Ced Interrupted

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Juliet's POV:
We were all sitting around Ced's bed. I was holding his hand, stroking it lightly with my thumb. Madame Pomphrey did all of her assessments. " Ms. Potter?" Someone asks. I look up to see Cornelius Fudge, the minister of magic. " Minster..." I say in surprise. " I know this isn't the best time but I would like to speak with you in private..." He says. " Whatever you have to say you can say in front of them..." I say nodding to Nikki and Fred. " I'm sorry to tell you this Ms. Potter but we believe Mr. Diggory may not wake up..." He says. No. He's lying. It can't be. " You're lying..." I say my voice cracking. " He's not Juliet..." Mr. Diggory says coming over. I feel my eyes fill with tears. " No..." I mumble. Nikki pulls me into her without hesitation. I cry into her. Mr. Diggory takes the hand that not in Ced's and gives it a reassuring squeeze. I know Nikki wants to cry but she's trying to stay strong as she rubs my back. I break away and place a short but sweet kiss on his lips. I pull away and sit back down. I put my head down on the bed as tears stream down my face. " Why are you hiding that pretty face of yours?" I hear. My head snaps up and I say the grey eyes I love. " Ced... Ced!" I say. I launch myself at him. I smash my lips to his.

His tongue slides into my mouth. I'm crying as I kiss him. Not from sadness but from joy. God I love him. We pull apart. " They said you wouldn't wake up..." I say stroking his face with my thumb. He closes his eyes relishing in my touch. " I thought you were dead..." He says opening his eyes again. "Oh my God. Everyone is like dying and coming back to life." Nikki says laughing and shaking her head. " I guess so..." I say laughing. " I'm just glad your ok son..." Mr. Diggory says. Ced smiles at his dad. Madame Pomphrey comes over. " Oh my Merlin... I was right then..." She says. "You were right about what?" Nikki asks confused. " I thought it was a sleeping curse... It's often referred to as the sleeping beauty curse..." She says. " So when I kissed him he woke up..." I say. She nods. " True loves kiss is the only cure..." She says. " Well aren't I the lucky guy who chose the right girl..." Ced teases. I giggle as blush spreads across my face. "Well he's back and we're all alive." Nikki says smiling. Fred comes up behind Nikki and lightly pulls her hair while chuckling. "Ahhh! What was that for?" She asks looking at him. " I wanted to..." He says chuckling.

    " Oh and Ms. Potter get off my patient..." Madame Pomphrey says before walking off. I had almost forgotten I was laying on Ced. I blush deeply. " The patient doesn't want you to listen..." Ced says chuckling. I giggle and snuggle into his chest. "Oh Ms. Potter get off her patient." Nikki says mimicking Madame Pomphrey. I laugh and Ced chuckles. " No..." I say laughing. Ced wraps his arms tighter around me. Nikki rolls her eyes. "I'm just going to... Yeah..." Nikki says sitting on the floor. "I don't trust you behind me." Nikki says looking at Fred. Fred laughs. Ced kisses the top of my head. I was happier then ever. " I love you..." I say looking up at him. A large smile spreads across his face. " I thought I would never hear you say that again... I love you too..." He says. " I thought I would never hear you say that again..." I say putting an emphasis on the "you". "I would ask you two to stop but like... You both almost died." Nikki says turning to us. Fred pulls her hair again. "Fred!" She yells turning and glaring at him. I giggle. Ced takes advantage of her eyes being away. He presses his lips to mine. I moan as his tongue enters my mouth. "Cedric!" Mr. Diggory says sternly. We pull apart. Ced chuckles. " Sorry dad..." He says. "You keep pulling my hair and that week that I have at the burrow before I leave with my sister will be you sitting by yourself." Nikki argues with Fred. Fred nods. I laugh. While I'm looking at them I feel Ced's lips press against my jawline. I giggle at his contact. "Okay I let you have your one kiss now please stop before I puke on both of you." Nikki says pointing at us. Ced doesn't listen. That's when I moan catching the attention of Mr. Diggory. "What did I say!?" He raises his voice. Ced pulls away chuckling. " Your son doesn't listen..." I say laughing. " You let me do it..." He says laughing. " That's because I enjoy it..." I say giggling. "I'm gonna be sick..." Nikki says shaking her head. I laugh. " Well I'm glad you enjoy it..." Ced says ignoring her. "Am I allowed to leave? I don't want to witness this anymore." Nikki says. " We're not keeping you here..." I say laughing. " If we were alone and you weren't fourteen I would so fuck you right now..." Ced whispers in my ear. I blush deeply. I was surprised by this. Then again we did almost die. 

Potter and Farron ( A Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now