40. Yule Ball

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Juliet's POV:
Today was the day. Nikki and I were setting up to get ready. I take off the casual dress I was wearing. I look in the mirror. You could see my ribs clearly. Well all of my bones actually. All I have eaten was three slices of fruit per day for the last two weeks. Nikki's worse. She hasn't ate at all these past two weeks. She's been extremely tense around me lately. She pulls on her dress and looks in a mirror doing her makeup. I just continue to look at my body. I immediately regret changing in front of her because I catch her looking at me in the mirror. She looks away and goes back to her makeup. I sigh. I walk over and get my dress out. I pull it on. It's baggy. I sigh. " Nikki do you know an altering spell?" I ask. I had gone down two clothe sizes in two weeks. She mutters a spell and then sets her wand back down. She continues on her makeup. I feel more comfortable now. I walk to the mirror and do my makeup. I then try to figure out what to do with my short hair. I pull out my wand. " Amplious..." I say pointing it at my hair. My hair grows down to my mid back. I look at my full outfit.

I look nice

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I look nice. My body is quite thin. I'm really trying to get back into eating. I just can't. My body isn't used to it. I look over at Nikki. She looks incredible.

She puts her other earring in and then looks at herself

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She puts her other earring in and then looks at herself. " You look beautiful..." I say. "Thanks. Your looking pretty good yourself." She compliments back. " I look like a skeleton..." I say. "I'm worse. Considering I haven't ate at all in two weeks." She says running a hand over her shoulder. I look at her chest and see three scars near her neck. I sigh. " Let's go meet the guys..." I say. She nods. I loop my arm in hers. We walk down together. I spot Ced. " Have fun I'll see you later..." I say. I walk to Ced. " You look beautiful baby..." He says. He kisses me softly. I smile at him. " You look quite handsome..." I comment. He chuckles. He offers me his arm. I take it. " Champions! Line up for the opening dance!" McGonagall says. Ced leads me over. McGonagall places us first. Fleur Delacour is next. She's with the Ravenclaw quidditch captain. Next after is Victor with... Wait was that Hermione? I smile to myself remembering when he asked me for advice. Next was Harry with... Cho? Fuck no. But the music starts and I turn my attention to the great hall doors. They open. It was beautiful. The hall was decorated with icicles and trees. Ced leads me towards the dance floor. Everyone's eyes were on us. We got into position and danced. Soon the song came to an end. " I'm going to go get drinks..." Ced says. I smile at him. " I'm going to find Nikki..." I say. He nods. I peck him on the lips and start to search for my best friend. I spot her. " Hey Nik..." I say when I reach her. Fred is over getting drinks as well. "Hi..." She says quietly sitting in a chair. I sit next to her. " Having fun so far?" I ask. "Yeah... Uh... Yeah. Just been doing a lot of thinking. For about a week I've been doing a lot of thinking since I've been alone the past week. I mean after our fight we barely even looked at each other... Cedric hasn't talked to me since I snapped at him when he was yelling at Fred... And Fred spent the past week doing pranks and crap with George. I don't blame him. Since I came along I've spent so much time with Fred I think it's good they have had a bonding week without me getting in the way." Nikki rants. I take her hand. " It'll be alright..." I reassure her. I know I really hurt her. I can't let Ced die. I look over to see him and Fred talking. They haven't talked in two weeks. Maybe things could get back to normal.

Potter and Farron ( A Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now