44. Holiday Fun

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Juliet's POV:
I wake up in Ced's arms. I quickly get out of bed. If we are caught we're dead. " Nikki wake up!" I say shaking her. "What?" She asks half awake. " We have to go before we are caught..." I say. "Ugh..." She says she goes to get off the bed but rolls off the edge and makes a lot of noise as she falls to the ground. "Oww..." She whines. I giggle at her. I move the wrong way and wince in pain. Ced and I woke up into the middle of the night. We might have taken advantage of the dark. "What did you do?" Nikki asks rolling over but not getting up. I bite my lip. " Just turned the wrong way that's all..." I lie. "You can't lie to me you know that. Did Ced like finger you too hard or something?" She asks giggling. " More like tongued..." I say giggling. " But we can talk about this when we get to our room..." I say. "But I don't want to get up." Nikki whines. " Do you want to have Mrs. Weasley on your tail... She still has to talk to you guys about the picture..." I say. Nikki quickly gets up and trips over herself then runs to the room. She's extremely loud during this process. Can this girl ever be quiet? We finally make it to the room. We climb onto our beds. "Was he like biting or something because I don't think a tongue can hurt that bad." She says looking at me. I laugh. "It was mostly the love bites not the tonguing..." I say giggling. "Eww." She says and gets up. She pulls a pair of yoga pants and a casual t-shirt out of her bag and changes into them. "Maybe you and some of the others can play Quidditch while I practice my cheer later today." She says. So that's why she was wearing the yoga pants. That and she probably wants to tease Fred with how tight they are around her butt. I laugh.

( Juliet's Outfit)I change quickly

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( Juliet's Outfit)
I change quickly. " Nice outfit..." I comment to Nikki. "You too." She says and walks downstairs to the kitchen. " Juliet Lily Potter!" I hear Mrs. Weasley shout from upstairs. I wince at the use of my full name. "Someone's in trouble..." Nikki sings as she walks into the kitchen. Mrs. Weasley comes down stairs. " I know you snuck into the boys room! Oh wait until Amos is up!" She shouts. "What is all this yelling about at such an early hour?" Mr. Diggory asks as he walks downstairs. Nikki is just watching this play out. Ah fuck. " Well Juliet broke our rule and snuck into the boys room..." Mrs. Weasley says. " So did Nikki!" I argue. " But I only have evidence you were there!" She says. "What evidence do you have Molly?" Mr. Diggory asks. " The sheets were wet Amos!" She yells. Shit. I'm screwed. Nikki burst out laughing. She falls into a chair as she clutches her stomach as she laughs loudly. "What did I tell you kids!?" Mr. Diggory asks pinching the bridge of his nose. I bite my lip. Ced comes down the steps. Right on time. "Cedric! What did I say about not doing anything sexual anymore?!" He asks angrily. Nikki slowly inches to the back door to try and leave. " Um well you uh..." Ced starts out. I face palm. " What's going on?" Sirius asks coming down the stairs. I look back and see Nikki is gone. Damn her. "My son and your God daughter we're at it again last night." Mr. Diggory says and he places his hands over his face. " And?" Sirius says. I want to laugh so bad because he doesn't mind it. He's known since girls day. "Your not mad?!" Mr. Diggory asks shocked. " I've known for a few weeks..." Sirius says shrugging. "Oh my God! You know what go! I'm done! One more time and there will be consequences." Mr. Diggory says annoyed. I sigh and run from the kitchen.

Potter and Farron ( A Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now