33. Hogwarts Again

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Nikki's POV:
I wake up and sit up stretching. I look over and see Fred sleeping. I giggle at his adorable sleeping form. I get out of bed and look for clothes in my closet. I hear movement from the bed.

" Morning love..." Fred says.

"Morning." I say pulling out a shirt and some jeans.

" I better go get ready..." He says getting up. He pecks me on the lips. I kiss back quickly and he leaves. I slide on my clothes and a pair of Converse.

 I slide on my clothes and a pair of Converse

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(Nikki's outfit)

I start to pack my trunk and load it with my books and stuff I need for Hogwarts. Once I'm done I go downstairs with my trunk and see everyone ready to go.

" Alright we're all here... Let's go then!" Mr. Weasley says. We all head out. Soon we arrive at the station. I smile as I see my best friend.

 I smile as I see my best friend

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( Juliet's outfit)

"Nikki!" Juliet says rushing to me. She tackles me in a hug. We fall to the ground laughing.

"Nice shirt." I whisper as we get up.

" Ced picked it out..." She says blushing madly.

"Oooooh. Letting your boyfriend pick out your clothes now are you?" I ask jokingly.

" He bought it for me..." She says embarrassed.

"Oooooh. It's very exposing." I say smirking then Fred comes up behind me.

" I like it..." Ced says wrapping his arms around her waist from behind. I roll my eyes.

"Well how about we go find a compartment?" I ask.

" Yes let's do that..." Juliet says clearly trying to get out of the conversation. She grabs Ced's hand and pulls him onto the train. I follow behind her and look for an empty compartment. I feel Fred take my hand in his and and kiss the back of my hand.

"What was that for?" I ask glancing back at him for a second.

"I love you that's what." He says with a cheeky grin. I laugh and roll my eyes.

Potter and Farron ( A Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now