39. The Yule What Now?

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Juliet's POV:
We were headed to some kind of meeting in the transfiguration class room. " I wonder what this is for..." I say to Nikki as we walk. "You think I know?" She asks giggling. We walk into the classroom and see the boys and girls split apart. We see Fred, George and Cedric. Nikki waves like a crazy person to get their attention. They all chuckle. " Attention Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs!" McGonagall calls. We all turn our attention towards her. She and Professor Sprout are standing in the center of the room. I wonder what's going on. " As the second task grows near another tradition will come to pass..." McGonagall says. " The Yule Ball is a ball for the Christmas holiday... All three schools will participate... As your heads of house we want you to be presentable... Mr. Weasley will you?"She asks stepping infront of Ron. I start to laugh. She pulls Ron into the center of the room. " My waist Weasley..." She says trying to help him get into position. Nikki snickers trying to not laugh out loud. He looks really uncomfortable. Professor Sprout starts some music. McGonagall shows us how to dance. Ron looked scared. " Now students find a partner and take to the floor!" Professor Sprout says. I see a bunch of girls flock towards Ced. Anger boils inside me. Ced breaks away from them and rushes over to me. " Hey baby..." He says taking my hand. He kisses the top of my hand softly. I giggle. He pulls me onto the dance floor. I put a hand on his shoulder. He puts a hand on my waist. He takes my free hand in his. He starts to lead me. He was actually pretty good. A ton of girls were shooting me dirty looks. I didn't care. He was mine. We danced around until the song was over. As soon as we stopped his lips were on mine. "The moments over stop making out!" Nikki yells in our ears Fred standing behind her. We pull apart. Ced kisses my forehead. I giggle. " The moment is never over for us..." Ced says sarcastically. "It is now!" She says with a weird grin. " Nope!" He says before smashing his lips to mine. "I give up..." She says turning and walking away. We pull apart.

We are dismissed and we head to eat lunch. I pile my plate. Ced decided to sit at the Gryffindor table. He chuckles. " You must be hungry..." he says. " I'm starving!" I exclaim. Nikki sits with her hands in her lap as she stares at her empty plate and biting her cheek. I sigh. " Nikki atleast eat something..." I plead. "I'm not hungry..." She says looking up at me. My fist clench. " Atleast try..." I beg. "I don't want to eat..." She says looking back down at the ground this time. I shove away my food. If she wasn't eating neither was I. She looks over at me confused. Ced looks concerned. " I'm not hungry anymore..." I say. "Don't... Don't put yourself in a bad position just because I'm not in the best state of health." She says. " No I'm just not hungry..." I say crossing my arms. "I don't believe you. You were about to eat just a second ago and then when I didn't eat you choose not to..." She says. "There's another reason I'm going to Germany this summer. My sister knows what's going on with my eating so she is taking me to talk to my doctor and therapist. They should be able to help. I've been eating just enough to survive." She adds. I nod. I push my plate further away. " I should probably go to the library..." I say standing. She sighs and crosses her arms looking at the ground. I walk out. I wasn't going to eat unless she did. I walk up to the library. I was shifting through the shelves when I bumped into someone. I look up into the face of Victor Krum. " Sorry..." I say. " It's quite alright..." He says in his strong Bulgarian accent. " Can I have your advice?" Victor asks. I nod. " I want to ask Har-my-one to the ball..." He says. I know he means Hermione. " Just be yourself..." I say. " Zank you..." he says. I nod and smile knowing I probably just helped Hermione score a date. I walk off. I soon return to the Gryffindor common room. I see Nikki pacing back and forth by the fire and Fred is sitting on the couch looking concerned for her. " Hi..." I say shyly. Nikki doesn't respond only continues to pace. Fred just slightly waves and looks back a Nikki. I sigh and flop down on the couch. I'm starving but I don't give in. My stomach doesn't want to listen because it growls. "Told you, you were hungry." Nikki says. She must have heard the growl. She looks so tense right now. " I'm not hungry..." I say denying. "That's not what your stomach is saying." She says sounding extremely irritated. "I need to take a warm calming bath..." She says turning and walking upstairs. Not long after Fred goes up as well. I sigh and continue to lay there. I'm not giving in. That's when the portrait whole opens. Ced walks in. " There you are baby..." He says. I smile at him. He walks over and I lift up my head. He sits down and I put my head in his lap. He strokes my hair lightly.

Potter and Farron ( A Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now