34. Suicidal Thoughts

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Juliet's POV:
I stumble into the great hall. I hurt her. I see Ced rushing at me. I collapse in his arms. He holds me close. " Baby I was so worried..." He says. He picks me up bridal style. He carries me to the hospital wing. " Mr. Diggory what..." Madame Pomphrey starts. She gasps when she sees me. Ced lays me down on a bed. Madame Pomphrey starts to assess my injuries. " Do you know what happened?" She asks. Ced shakes his head. " I jumped off a cliff..." I croaked out. Ced looks pained at my words. The doors open and Dumbledore rushes in. " I'm glad she's alright..." He says seeing me move. " You have three broken bones in your left leg, seven broken bones in your arm, a large gash in your side, three gashes on your face and your left ankle looks sprained... Oh and go tell Ms. Farron she can leave now..." Madame Pomphrey says. Ced runs further into the wing. I scream out as she resets my my first bone.

Nikki's POV:
I start to open my eyes only to hear screaming. I grunt as I move my head to the side and open my eyes. Another scream is let out.

" Nikki you can go..." Ced says to my side. I nod as I sit up. The room starts to spin and I fall over off the bed. Ced reaches out and catches me before I hit the ground. I realize he's shaking. That's when another scream comes and he flinches.

"Is everything okay?" I ask trying to stand and keep balance.

" It's Juliet... She broke ten bones..." Ced says with pain in his voice. I pull him into a hug.

"She'll be okay. She's a fighter." I say.

" She jumped off a cliff Nik..." Ced says with pain in his eyes. I gasp as I pull away. Why would she do that? It makes sense if I did that but her? " Her injuries are bad..." Ced says. I start to panic and Fred walks in quickly.

" I'm glad you're awake..." He says. That's when another scream breaks through.

" What are they doing to her?" I ask.

" Resetting her bones..." Ced answers. He sets me back on my bed.

"I thought you said I can go." I say as I notice I'm shaking.

" You can but you need to make sure you can stand..." Ced says. Harry comes and stands by Fred.

" I couldn't stay down there..." He says just as another one of Juliet's screams rips through the air.

"I can't stay." I say with a pained expression. "It's going to effect my anxiety too much." I say standing up and crying as I quickly walk out and to the common room.

Time skip...
Juliet's POV:
I was getting out of the hospital wing today. Ced hadn't left my side the whole week. He barely slept. " How are you feeling baby?" He asks. I was sitting on the edge of the bed. " Not bad... It feels like I fell ten feet from my broom not thirty feet from a cliff..." I say. " You ready to try and stand?" He asks. I nod eagerly. He puts his hands out. I take them and warily stand. It hurts but I can deal with it. I sigh. Atleast I can stand. He let's go of my hands and we find I can stand on my own. " Your doing great baby..." he says. " Thanks Ced..." I say. I take my first step. He smiles at me. He takes my hand and we walk from the hall. He carries me up the steps so I don't get exhausted quickly. He sets me down in front of the common room. We walk in and I'm greeted by all of Gryffindor. " Welcome back!" Everyone shouts. Harry hugs me. " I'm glad you're alright..." He says. " Thanks guys..." I say. I look around but don't see Nikki. " Where's Nikki?" I ask. " I don't know..." Ced says. I see Fred and walk over to him. " Fred do you know where Nikki is?" I ask. "She's in her room I've tried getting her out but she hasn't left. She's really scaring me." He says looking up to the dormitories. I sigh and head for the stairs. I climb them slowly, my leg protesting. I make it to the dorm I share with my fellow fourth year Gryffindor girls. I open the door. " Nikki?" I ask. She looks to be glaring at herself in the mirror. She says something under her breath but I can't hear her. I walk towards her hesitantly. " Nikki I'm sorry..." I say. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. The three gashes on my face were scars now. My face was still bruised. I look down to the ground in shame. Nikki seems to notice me and quickly turns around. "You jumped off a cliff!?" She asks. I nod my head shamefully. A tear slips down my face. "What the hell were you thinking? Do you know how much you hurt Cedric? How much you hurt me?" She says shaking her head. I don't know what's wrong with her right now. " Why are you allowed to do it then? You think it doesn't hurt me? Fred? And when you looked at me with fear in your eyes... I couldn't take it... Last time you looked at me like that was when I punched you..." I say breaking down. Nikki shakes her head. "Don't turn this against me! I've been suicidal since I lost my parents! Don't even use that against me ever again!" She shouts angrily. " So it makes it better doesn't it? That you have been this way? I have lost everything! I lost my parents! I lost Harry's trust! I thought I lost you! Everytime I even raise my voice you look at me with fear! I had nothing left but Ced! He would be better off without me! He could have a normal girlfriend who doesn't scream at night from horrible nightmares! He would be happier without me!" I shout back. "How the fuck do you think I feel Juliet!? Fred has a fucking half demon for a girlfriend! He would at least have a semi normal life without me!" Nikki screams. " Well I'm sorry! I'm sorry for hurting you! I'm sorry for making you fear me! But I won't apologize for jumping!" I shout back. Nikki looks at me with fire burning in her eyes. She scoffs and turns around. " Fine be like that! One thing I am sorry about is that it didn't work!" I shout. Her hands ball into fists and she glares at the ground. " I rather be dead then have you look at me like that! I wish I was dead!" I shout before running from the room. Tears were streaming down my face. I reach the bottom of the stairs. Everyone is staring at me. Ced comes over. " What happened baby?" He asks wrapping his arms around me. " She hates me..." I whisper. I cry into his chest as he holds me.

Potter and Farron ( A Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now