weight loss day 74!

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i woke up at 5:40am, and i woke up and ate oatmeal with protein powder and almond milk. i made a protein shake, with the ideal shape powder. but i mixed it with water bc it says i can do that, it came with the shaker so why not 😂

so basically i just filled the protein powder shaker with water, and then put the little spiral ball thingy that's made out of metal idk if you know what it is but it helps break the powder to blend the water and the powder.

so spring break is next week and i'm planning to do intermittent fasting the whole week so i can lose ten pounds FINALLY I CAN DO IT.

so i'm doing the 16-8 fasting. basically it's when i fast for 16 hours ( meaning i don't eat for 16 hours) and i can eat for 8 hours. but keep in mind a lot of those 16 hours are you sleeping, so if i sleep at 10, and wake up at seven, i have to eat at 2pm. and then eat my last meal any time around that but before seven, then not eat until 2pm again. and just repeat that and you're supposed to lose a big-ish amount of weight.

so i'm also drinking lots of water, about 4-5 bottles a day. yesterday i drank 3, today i'm drinking 4. i also worked out yesterday and walked on the treadmill at an incline for 20 minutes.
today i'm planning to workout for 1 hour. 30-40 minutes of cardio. then working out all of my body parts in sets.

so i couldn't workout because my cousins came over and we ate pizza, so i literally drank so much water. so tomorrow i'm gonna workout.

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