You Make My Pee Pee Shiver, Boy

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     Today in school I was zoning out and I started thinking about when I gave Y'all know who that note. Toot toot, I think you're cute. Those words haunt me every day. Toot toot, I think you're cute. I started being filled with regret. The note itself wasn't too bad, it was just the execution. I could've written my name on it, so he knew who it was right away. I mean, I did put it down right in front of him. I guess he's just blind. God dammit April, you froot loop, you could've given him your phone number. I mean, at this point in time, I'm pretty sure I had my number memorized wrong. I would've given him a whole ass other person's phone number.
     Can I do it again? Can I give him another mediocre confusing ass drawing and rhyming thingy? Toot toot, I still think you're cute. I've been wanting to do that, but I'm scared that he'll think I'm weird and be like lol bitch can u fuck off. Idk, I'm very bad at handling crushes, since the last time I had one was in the fucking first grade. And I handled that one SO BADLY. His name was John. He was the boy that like everyone else had a crush on too. I thought it was a smart idea to tell his best friend that I had a crush on him. Of course, by the next period, he knew. And so did the rest of the class. And the fucking teacher, too. So I did what I usually do when literally anything happens, I cried. After that, I tried to play it off. I acted like I hated him. I even slapped him. He told the teacher, I cried once again. Whatever man, I tried the nice and sweet approach, now it's time for the absolute cunt approach.
          And that was the only other time I've had a crush. So, based on that, I can only assume that anyone I have a crush on hates me and wants me to choke on a magnum dong, preferably not theirs. Every time we have a break or weekend, I'm like, "I barely remember what he looks like, I think I'm over him." But then as soon as we go back to school and I see him sitting at his desk as I enter the Social Studies classroom, I'm like:

" But then as soon as we go back to school and I see him sitting at his desk as I enter the Social Studies classroom, I'm like:

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  That's how it be sometimes

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  That's how it be sometimes. I hope one day this year, I can build the confidence to ask him to be my papi. Maybe not like that, because that's a bit much. Maybe. Hmm.

Song Of The Day:

The song title fits with today's topic, and it came on shuffle

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The song title fits with today's topic, and it came on shuffle. That's hella wild.

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