Billie Joe Armstrong Did 9/11, According To The Internet

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Today I had a bunch of stuff to do. I didn't even get done with all of it yet. I had to put away clothes, do homework, sort out clothes to get rid of, tune my guitar, practice guitar, and I think that's it. Oh yeah, I also have to remind my dad to look through stuff from the fire to find my yearbook.
I have such a headache and I feel like I'm dying. One of the worst feelings would have to be having headache while also being hot and sweaty and thirsty.
I keep seeing specific numbers everywhere. More specifically the numbers (in order) 86, 96, and 76. I also keep seeing the number 1440. I don't know what it means, but if i die, no?? Stop. I tell you when I die. And I still haven't met Billie Joe Armstrong yet, so I can't die.
I have BJA's post notifications, so I know when he posts, but sometimes I get them late. He also goes live on Instagram sometimes. I cry when I see that man attempt to figure out technology. He is clueless sometimes. One time, he put his account on private by accident. How the fuck did you do that Billie?? Are you okay? He also once unfollowed Mike and Tré and everyone thought that Green Day was breaking up and they shit their pants and such, y'know. It ended up being that he did it by accident and it took him like a week to figure out how to fix it.
           I used to think that 1994-2004 wasn't that long, it's only 10 years, but then I thought about how much Billie Joe Armstrong changed in those ten years like what the absolute skip dipping fuck??
   Billie Joe in 1994:

            I used to think that 1994-2004 wasn't that long, it's only 10 years, but then I thought about how much Billie Joe Armstrong changed in those ten years like what the absolute skip dipping fuck??    Billie Joe in 1994:

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Billie Joe in 2004:

Don't pay attention to the fact that they're stock images, shhh

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Don't pay attention to the fact that they're stock images, shhh. But like huh? How is that even the same person? Yeah, I know that 10 years + eyeliner + different hair makes a big difference but still.
       After cleaning my drawer, it looks somewhat aesthetically appealing. That's because the ugly clothes are covered.

  Also today, I called Y'all know who a fat bitch, but he didn't hear, and that's good because he wasn't supposed to

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  Also today, I called Y'all know who a fat bitch, but he didn't hear, and that's good because he wasn't supposed to. Watch Mariana expose me anyway. Mariana if you're reading this, hello. If you're wondering the reasoning behind that, he said he was collecting the baskets in ELA but the container that my table had was an art box so when he was already kinda far away, I said "That's not even a basket, you fat bitch, but okay."  What a day.

Song Of The Day:

Song Of The Day:

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  Rafiki #2

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