The Kids With The Yellow Calculators Got The BEST Pussy

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              I'm very sweaty as I'm writing this. I got my ears pierced yesterday at the mall. It pinched a little bit. I was staring at this random lady in the food court to distract myself from my nervousness. I had to get a new hole in my left ear because the original one was too close to the end of my lobe. I went to AppleBee's after that. My dad saw the "can you call her and ask her if she likes me" picture on my phone and he was SCREAMING.  Sixth grade was truly a dark year.
                   I was reading this book at the library called Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie by Jordan Sonnenblick. I was like halfway through it, then I got kind of bored with it. My dad said that we were leaving, and he asked me if I wanted to take out that book. I told him no. I regret that decision now because I want to finish reading it.  I am an absolute headass.
               In ELA, we took the Word Of The Day test. I'm pretty sure the whole class cheated on it. I didn't fucking study, and I didn't realize that we had a test until I heard someone say something about it. I ended up getting the answers from Olivia T (bless her soul) during VE. I let Linda cheat off of me and we both got an 100. Mrs. Kotsay yelled at Mariana for laughing while Fanny still had her test paper, so I yelled "COULD YOU GO FASTER FANNY" and she closed her folder with the test inside.
               Y'all Know Who was grading the tests, and he had his back towards us, so Linda was like "Look at that asssss" and I was like "yOu beTtER sTooOoOP", just in case he could hear us. He probably wasn't even paying attention. Jessica said to me "you should've slapped his ass", but I was like no thanks, because that's actual sexual assault and my stupid ass could get in some deep shit if a teacher saw, or if he told on me.  Hey what's up you guys, YES, I'm over analyzing a simple joke once again.
                  In Social Studies, my BOY RAN, and i was like JSJKSKSKAKAMSM WHAT A BEAUT!!! Mariana thought I was talking about this puppy that I saw outside, but I wasn't talking about that queen.


Song Of The Day

Is he strong? Listen bitch, he has radioactive blood

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Is he strong? Listen bitch, he has radioactive blood.

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