This Bitch is BAD

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          Good afternoon. Today is December 2nd, otherwise known as my dad's birthday. I was gonna write something on Friday because it was interesting that day, but unfortunately, I forgot to, and I also forgot what the fuck happened that day. I have good news, though. I no longer have feelings for Rat Boy. I am happy to be free from this burden. Thank you to everyone who kept on telling me how ugly he is.

Mrs Massa is a fuckass local, so she moved Mariana's seat on Tuesday. I guess it's because we keep talking, but she went too far. What am I going to do now?? Actually do my work?? Absolutely fucking not, bitch.

Yesterday, I hung out with Dola and my good sis Ratatouille. We went to shop rite and got 5 little pies. I ate two of them because I'm a fat ugly ass bitch. Whatever. They were kind of good. I got cream all over my hands though. We also had to walk through the field in the dark and I almost started crying, y'know, like usual.

If anything that happened on Friday comes to mind, I probably will update. Or not. It depends.

Bye fuckers.

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