This Shit's Going Up Hella Late, But Who Cares

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             Today was wild as FUCK. I made Y'all Know Who a note, and I kissed him on the cheek. I'll go into detail I guess if you want.
             So, he was by himself, and I called his name, and pulled him by his book bag over to me. I was like "I have something to tell you, give me your ear." And he gave me his ear. I grabbed his head and kissed his cheek. Everyone like screamed. Mariana told me that Mr DunneJaffe saw and like opened his mouth with that surprised expression and shit. I gave Y'all Know Who the note, then fucking BOLTED. I don't remember exactly what it said, but I remember it said some shit like "Hey boy. I like you a lot. Nice. You're really cool and I love you BITCH, I ain't never gonna stop loving you BITCH (vine reference) Hit me up. Whatever." Then I put my number and Mr. DunneJaffe got mad because everyone wouldn't be quiet.
             I went to the park with Gabby and Jessica because Gabby wanted to hear what happened. These kids kept shooting us with nerf guns and I was pressed as fuck. I told one of them that I would fight him. I didn't. One of the kids told on us because he said that we were making fun of him. Boy, if you don't. There was this toddler, his name was Salvatore. He was like chilling with us. He started crying and he came over to me and sat on my lap. Gabby put a video of it on her story. There were these little girls with a dog and they were fucking choking that dog. They were like dragging it on the leash. Gabby asked if she could pet their dog, but they said no. THEN, the girl pointed to me and said "but she can" and I was like ME?? I love being iconic. Gabby ended up petting the dog. I saw their mom yelling at them later for putting the dog on the slide and dragging it.

Song Of The Day:

Song Of The Day:

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