Chapter 1: Home

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Quick authors note or whatever those are called. First off, forgive me if I have a couple spelling/grammar issues. I'm not the best at English but I like to write. Second thing, it may not go along with the entire storyline but I'm gonna try to make it as accurate as possible (I will leave the dates I write it in the beginning chapter). Lastly, please forgive me if I make them break up or something. When I read fanfictions I always want them to just be together, but where would the drama and cliffhangers come from? I ship them like hardcore so I will make them endgame (in this) because in the show they need to or I'll die. Anyway, I hope you enjoy (if you don't know the fandom I'm not going to explain it (it'd just take too much time) so sorry about that...)!

Written 4.13.18, and I'm assuming they're living with each other in Toni's trailer (the night Toni rescued Cheryl).


I woke up to the smell of bacon cooking. I sat up and blinked a couple of times before looking around. I walked into the kitchen yawning, to find a cute pink haired girl at the stove.

"Morning, Red," she said when she saw me, "Hungry?" I perked my head farther into the kitchen. There was toast in the toaster. I opened her fridge and gasped at the horror.

"What?" she asked me raising her eyebrows.

"You don't have strawberry jam!" I said. She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, sorry. I just eat toast with butter," she said laughing at me.

"Not anymore," I said, "We need to go to a store, like now."

"Relax," she said turning towards the stove. I peered into the living room. The couch had a blanket and a pillow on it.

"You know," I said moving closer to her, "you don't have to sleep on the couch. You can sleep in your own bed."

"With me," I thought. She turned towards me again.

"Oh yeah?" she said. She obviously knew what I was implying, but was making me work for it.

"Yeah," I said stepped closer. "You could." She grabbed my waist and pulled me in. Our eyes met before she kissed me softly. I put my hand on her cheek. We stood there for what seemed to be an eternity but only lasted until the toast popped out. She pulled away and walked to the toaster.

"I may have to take you up on that deal," she said, teasing me. I rolled my eyes before walking up to her. We were close. I could feel her breath. I plucked the toast from her hand.

"You may," I said before walking away. She stood there in awe before shaking her head and returning to the bacon.


I stood looking at beautiful mess going through my closet before choosing a red skirt.

"I think I need to make a stop at Thistlehouse for the rest of my clothes because this," she said pointing the portion of the closet she took over the last night when we stole a bunch of her clothes, "Will just not suffice." I shook my head.

"We'll go tomorrow," I said, "C'mon. We're going to be late." We left my trailer and breathed in the mildew smell of the trailer park.

"Are we walking?" she asked. I laughed.

"Yeah, that would take like a half an hour. We'll ride my motorcycle." I said tossing her my helmet. She caught it before glaring at me again.

"Where's yours?" she asked.

"In your hand," I replied, "Get on." She cautiously put the helmet on before stepping onto my bike.

"You better be a good driver," she said. I smirked as I drove off. The ride was probably the highlight of my day because Cheryl held on tight like a scared little girl. On the way, I heard another bike in the distance before I saw Sweet Pea ride next to me.

"Race ya," he said thrusting his engine. Cheryl gave me a tight squeeze.

"Can't. Precious cargo." I said glaring at him. He shook his head before speeding off. When we arrived at the school Cheryl got off my bike as soon as I stopped.

"That," she said, "was terrifying. I'm never doing that again."

"Have fun getting back to my trailer," I said putting her helmet on my bike.

"Why doesn't anyone wear a helmet on this thing?" she asked.

"I don't know. I had to find that one from storage for you." I said.

"You're telling me you don't wear a helmet on that, donorcycle?" she asked shocked. I shook my head. "Whatever." she said, "Let's go to class."


"Today wasn't that bad, right?" I asked Cheryl. She turned to face me, as I did her.

"No, Topaz, it wasn't," she said, her eyes obviously thinking about something else.

"What?" I asked.

"What do you mean 'What'?" she said, confused.

"What are you thinking about?" I said. She hesitated. "It's okay, Cheryl," I reassured her.

"Heather," she finally said. "I just haven't seen her since eighth grade and I was just reminded of her today."

"Well, what happened? I know you loving mother banished her, but where?" I asked, hoping it wasn't too sore of a subject.

"My mother said far away but I heard her talking to daddy about Greendale, so I'm assuming out there," she said.

"Have you not gone to visit her or see her or anything?" I asked.

"My mother would never let me and honestly, I don't know if I ever had the guts to go there alone," she replied. I looked into her sad eyes.

"I can take you," I said, not thinking. I hoped she didn't react poorly. I didn't mean to pry, it just came out. Her reaction surprised me, though.

"You would do that for me?" she asked, perking up.

"I'd do anything to you," I said.

"For me. For, Toni," she said raising an eyebrow.

"Right, right. Stupid autocorrect." I said shaking my head.

"Toni?" she asked

"Yeah?" I responded.

"This is a real-life conversation," she said, laughing. I blushed.

"Same difference," I said shaking my head. Trying to turn the subject around I said, "We'll go tomorrow. I know a guy who can probably find her." She leaned in and kissed me.

"Thank you," she whispered. I smiled and went to sleep.


Authors note thing: So sorry if that last part was cringe but you know, comedy. I see those memes all the time so I had to include one. I don't know exactly what's going to happen at Heather's but probably something important. I don't know. We haven't been given many backgrounds on her (the only thing we have is that she was in love with Cheryl) so if they do add background and it doesn't go with my story at all, oh well. I hope you enjoyed (for those like, six people who will read this).

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