Chapter 2: A Hop, Skip and a Jump to Greendale

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: So I'm going to go ahead and give the Heather's (her and her family) the last name. Also please leave comments if you want me to address a certain story-line or leave something out (like the black hood) because some of them are just stupid (like the dumb "black/red circle"). Hope you enjoy!

Written 4.14.18

CHERYL'S POV (The next morning)

I woke up spooning with a pillow. I  searched the rest of the bed.

"Toni!?!" I shouted. She came running to the room.

"Yeah, what wrong?" she asked.

"Oh, uh, nothing," I said. 

"I just thought you left me," I thought. A man appeared next to her. He was tall and looked greasy. He wore a Serpent jacket. I perked my head at him. Toni noticed.

"Oh, this is Gasoline (AN (Author's note): I don't know I just thought of a random name). He thinks he knows where Heather is. Her last name is Finch, right?" she asked.

"Yeah, yeah," I said getting out of bed. He told us an address in Greendale and wished us a happy venture. And that if we needed to get rid of the body to call him. Toni chuckled nervously before shoving him out the door. 

"He was just joking, right?" I asked. 

"Yeah, yeah. Totally. Joking," she said, "Uh, let's get ready. We can stop by Pop's before we go."


I grabbed the bill and paid while Cheryl was in the bathroom. I knew that she didn't want to admit it, but she was dirt poor. Unless she was emancipated, she had to be 18 to get Clifford's half of his fortune. She came out and I tossed her my helmet.

"Let's go Bombshell," I said.

"What about the bill?" she asked.

"Taken care of. C'mon." I said We got on my bike and I felt her squeeze my rib cage again. She started muttering something. 

"Are you praying?" I asked her with a laugh. She blushed. 

"I don't, it's not that, I just, I-" she started. I laughed.

"It's okay. I nearly peed the first time I rode." I admitted to her, before saying a little prayer myself. Truthfully, I crashed the first time I rode out to Greendale. Totaled my bike and broke a few ribs. I felt her squeezing me and decided not to tell her just yet. As we entered Greendale I asked her, "So, what the story on Heather?"

She sighed, "I always thought she came over to see J.J. She would ask to come over nearly every day. I always liked her, and it wasn't until she kissed me when I realized she liked me."

"Oh," I said, "So you haven't tried to contact her and she hasn't tried to contact you at all?" 

"No, Mother would never allow it," she said shaking her head, "Turn right here." I turned right and heard her say, "Mother thought she would be perfect for J.J., so that's why I probably thought she liked him. But when she found out she was poor, Mother started to hate her." I nodded my head. I looked at the address Gasoline had given me and at the mansion that stood in front of me. 

"She was poor?" I asked parking my bike.

"Is this the wrong house?" she asked, knocking on the door. She grabbed my hand as a tall, dark-haired woman answered.

"Hi, Mrs. Finch. I'm -" Cheryl began

"CHERYL DEAR!" Mrs. Finch said, pulling her into a hug. She pulled out looking nervous, "Is your mother here?" she asked. Cheryl looked confused but shook her head. 

"Oh great!" Mrs. Finch exclaimed, "Let me get Heather!" We entered the house as another tall, younger version of Mrs. Finch walked down the stairs. Cheryl squeezed my hand as we saw her descend. 

"Cheryl?" she said. Cheryl smiled as she let go of me to hug her old friend. We sat on her couch, Cheryl's hand in mine. 


"So my mother kicked you out of Riverdale, gave you some money to live off of and a job?" I asked Mrs. Finch.

"I didn't want to leave, dear, but your mother could be quite persuasive. And we needed the money, Mr. Finch had just lost his job and well, you know the story. How else could we afford this beautiful house?" I nodded my head. Toni's hand squeezed mine.

"Oh! This is my girlfriend, Toni Topaz." I said smiling and looking at Toni. She smiled and said,

"Nice to meet you," she said.

"Where's Jason? I assumed he would be here." Heather asked. I tensed. I couldn't think. How was I supposed to tell Heather that he was killed by my dad, who then killed himself? 

"He's -" I started

"Out of town." Toni finished for me.

"No, its fine," I said tears coming to my eyes. I explained everything to her. It felt so nice to have someone who knew the whole story who I could talk to. Toni was great, but Heather knew everything since we were kids. It was nice to tell someone who didn't already know. Heather nearly cried, but I could see her being strong. After about two hours of catching up, I was ready to leave. I motioned to Toni and we both got up.


I gave Cheryl her phone back after putting in my number and gave her one last hug. It had been forever since I saw her. I, of course, loved Cheryl but I had a feeling she had moved on (as did I) and that she was in love with Toni. They didn't say it while visiting, but I could sense it. I knew Toni's type. They were perfect for each other, and I'm glad Toni was helping Cheryl come out, which was something that she struggled with. I waved as they both got on Toni's bike. I peered through the window and saw Cheryl crying. Toni turned around and wiped the tear from her cheek before kissing her. They hugged and I watched as Toni moved her hair from her face, turned around and ride off. #couplegoals 

AUTHOR'S NOTE: So I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Things may change with the musical episode coming up, so I'll try and use their interactions from there as well. Comment if you want to see something (or maybe more characters integrated into this). Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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