Chapter 10: Barren and Dry Land

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AN: This is sorta like a filler. Got some juicy beef coming up though so I need this to align all the stars.  Hope you enjoy as always!

Written 5.8.18


It was a night after our rendezvous and I was finally happy for once in my life. Cheryl was curled up to me as I played with her hair. She looked up at me. I raised an eyebrow.

"How did I get such an amazing girlfriend?" I asked her, breaking the silence. She blushed slightly. I kissed her slowly, before moving my tongue across her bottom lip. She grabbed the back of my neck, allowing my tongue access. I flipped her on her back, straddling her. I worked my way down her neck, and quickly found a weak spot. A moan escaped her lips before I pulled back up to her mouth. Her hand slipped under my shirt, tracing my stomach before resting on my tattoo. My tongue quickly won for dominance and as she attempted to slip my shirt off, a phone rang.

"Ignore it." I told her then quickly attacked her neck. It began raining again. I sighed and disbanded to pick the phone up.

"What!?!" I said aggressively to the caller.

"Sorry to upset you but I'm freaking out right now." Sweet Pea confessed.

"What's happened?" I asked, still on top of an anxious Cheryl.

"I asked Veronica out and she said yes! We're going to Pop's then a movie and I'm scared I'm gonna mess it up." He said, obviously nervous. He's had the hots for Veronica since for ever, but she was busy with Archie to notice. I guess he finally took his shot.

"And you need me because?" I asked impatiently as Cheryl placed her hand on my hip.

"Well, her and Cheryl are close, right?" So maybe you two can come to ease the nerves for both of us a bit?" He asked.

"Yeah, yeah fine. Time?" I asked.

"Be at Pop's in an hour." He said. I hung up and looked back at Cheryl.

"We're meeting Sweet Pea and Veronica at Pop's in an hour." I told her.

"He finally grew a pair and asked her? That's sweet." She said, smirking at me.

"An hours a long ways away though." I said leaning back down to kiss her.


I hungrily attacked Toni's lips as her hips swayed slowly. She moved down to my neck again as I slowly bucked my hips up. I pulled off her shirt and was about to flip her when my phone rang. I ignored it and continued to kiss her as her tongue explored my mouth but at the second call I had to break away. She pouted when I answered the phone.

"Hello?" I asked.

"C, you have got to help. Sweet Pea just asked me out and I said yes!" She said, panicked.

"Well, do you like him that way?" I asked.

"Kind if I guess. I'd have to see." She said. I caught a glimpse of Toni and her black laced bra on top of me, and quickened the conversation.

"Do you just want Toni and I to come down?" I asked trying to speed things along as Toni began kissing my collarbone.

"Yes! That's be perfect!" She said. "Half an hour?" She asked.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." I said and quickly hung up. As I looked back at Toni she kissed me once more before getting up. She put her shirt back on and walked towards the bathroom.

"You are such a tease, Topaz!" I told her. She winked at me.

"You don't want to see how much I can tease." She said before closing the bathroom door. I slipped out of bed too and grabbed on of her sweatshirts and put it on. She had done what I asked and wore it around for a day, so the smell of vanilla and strawberry linger in my nose as I inhaled deeply. I walked over to my mirror to find my neck covered in Toni's "marks of love" and quickly covered them. She re-emerged from the bathroom and wrapped her arms around my shoulders.

"You're costing me a fortune in concealer and lipstick." I told her

"Didn't hear you complain." She told me. "You don't need makeup, you look gorgeous no matter what." I blushed and glanced at her before returning to fixing my hair. Toni was everything I had ever asked for and more, and I just wanted all of her. I didn't know much about Toni's sexual life, especially since mine has been barren since the beginning of time. From everything she did I knew she had experience but we never went into detail about it.

"We better get going." She interrupted my thoughts. I nodded as we left Thistlehouse.

We arrived at Pop's and ordered, awaiting the nervous couple. We sat next to each other, and Toni grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. I looked up at her and smiled. She noticed and grinned back, squeezing my hand.

"I love you." She told me.

"I love you too, Toni." I said back. She was about to say something but was interrupted by a very awkward V and Sweet Pea standing next to each other. We tried our best to play stupid and invite them over, not knowing they were also here for a bite before we head out to see the same movie. Both Ronnie and Sweet Pea were nervous, which was sort of cute and sort of awkward at the same time. After small talk and eating, I asked Veronica to go to the bathroom to "freshen up".

I reapplied the concealer and my lip stick before looking at Veronica. Her eyes widened as she saw the marks on my neck.

"Did I interrupt something when I called?" She asked.

"Actually, you did. And since I'm doing you a favor, I need one too." I said. She raised an eyebrow.

"Ok I guess. What is it?" She asked

"Press Toni about her sex life." I blurted out. She smirked at me.

"With you?" She asked

"No! With other people. It'd be a very short conversation if it was between us." I added quietly. She raised an eyebrow at me again.

"You and Topaz haven't -" she began.

"No." I replied slyly. "I don't care how you do it, find out." I told her before leaving the restroom. She stood behind me, shocked but willing to ask. We walked back to our booth together. I nodded at them.

"Alright let's go then." Toni said.


I stared at FP's truck.

"You didn't take your bike? That things your pride and joy." I asked Sweet Pea.

"I didn't want Veronica to have to, you know, hold on to me. I didn't want to rush anything." He said awkwardly.

"That's kind of cute?" Cheryl said looking over at a blushing Veronica. They both stood there for a second before I had to break the silence.

"Are we just gonna pretend you both didn't want to be alone today?" I asked, forcing the cat out of the bag. "You both invited me and Cheryl here today." They looked at each other, both confused. Sweet Pea spoke first.

"I didn't want 'first date' pressure." He said, blushing slightly.

"Me neither. I didn't want it to be awkward because I like you and didn't want to screw it up." Veronica said shyly.

"Great! You're both super cute and like each other and now it's gonna be awkward around you two with your googly eyes. Now let's go, losers. We're gonna miss the movie." Cheryl said pushing both of them towards the truck. She got on my bike and started the engine. Not that I needed one, but her on that bike was a reminder of what made me fall in love with her in the first place.

AN: Hope you enjoyed! Please leave comments on what should happen! Thanks soooo much for nearly (when I'm writing this) 2k reads! Please continue to read and please leave comments, it means so much (super pissed that THERES NO CHONI (good Choni) but I am excited about Cheryl joining the Serpents)!

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