Attention Seeking

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As you already know from reading all my wonderfully evil cliffhangers, I am attention and praise seeking. 

SO, I would like you all to please please please read my new Choni one shot book!

I will be starting a new fanfic about something (please leave suggestions as to what it should be about) but until then, I am going to be writing these one shots. 

I like many ideas that I've heard, but I don' think that I could possibly make an entire 50 chapter book about them, so I've decided to create a one shot book.

Please read it and leave suggestions for other one shots you would like to see! Also, update coming soon, I promise.

I'm sorry because lately I've been updating like every three days rather than every day, but that's because its getting more difficult to think of plot-lines that would fit the story I've got going on. So I'm thinking of uploading every other day, either a one shot or a chapter from the book. I really need to give it a name so its less confusing. 

ANYWHO, please go check out my other book which is just called Choni One Shots (original, I know. I should be an author...).

Thanks for reading loves!

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