Chapter 32: All Healed and Holy

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AN: I'm sorry for the weirdness of publishing it. I accidentally published it and then had to take it down so sorry if it was glitchy for some of you.

I kind of love this chapter. Yes, I stole a couple lines from Grey's Anatomy but they fit so well so yeah. Please tell me your thoughts and I hope you enjoy!

Written 5.31.18 if there's not a 5.31 then it's 6.1.18. Idk.


I stood outside the Bijou with Betty.

"What are we doing here?" I asked her.

"Come inside and you'll see." She said as we made our way inside the building.

There at the concession stand lay a huge banquet of roses.

"What the hell?" I asked.

To the cherry of my cola, I give you a rose to make up for each mistake I've made.

I looked at the roses and saw that there
must have been fifty at least. Betty then led me to where Toni and I sat at the movies together. The night seemed like it was eons ago. There was another note and two cherry colas in the seats.

I consider this our first date. Even though I didn't know it then, the next place we went was where I found out where we were gonna be sensational together, rather than loveless apart.

After I read the note the screen played the scene where I had cried in and later confessed to Toni about it.

"Betty, what is this?" I asked blushing.

"You'll see. Let's go to Pops." She said as we made our way into her car.

We got to Pops as I saw a strawberry and chocolate shake already sitting at the bar. But I walked over to see that the glass the shakes were in had been broken. I the saw that they were taped and glued back together.

Another note lay next to them.

Whats broken, can be mended. What's hurt, can be healed. No matter how dark it gets, the suns gonna rise again. I was a broken mess, and you taped me back together. My only wish is that you didn't get hurt while you tried to put me back together.

Betty and I drank the shakes, when Pop brought us a cherry pie. The word 'sensational' was cut out of the crust. We ate the pie as Pop brought us the already payed off bill. On it was another note.

I never felt this way for anyone. Three words. Eight letters. It isn't love if it doesn't destroy you, and it destroyed me. But I'd rather it destroy me a million times more than lose you. On 4.25.18 we spent a wonderful night together and I made a promise to you, and I broke it. Then only way I can make it up, is if you let me make it up to you and go there again today.

"Off the Sweetwater River." I said smiling.

Once we got there, I saw our picnic table set up just as it was the on our anniversary. Jughead was even there in his cater-waiter outfit. I sat down at the picnic table as he brought me a note, a burger, and bracelet that matched the promise ring she gave to me that night as well. But there were random numbers inscribed in it that looked like coordinates to somewhere. I put it on and admired it. I smiled and read the next note.

I spent so many nights alone, hurting, before you came into my life. You were like coming up for fresh air. Like I was drowning, and you saved me. For that, ma Cherie, I will always love you. Go to where you stood with me through one of the toughest times of my life. Where you saw the real me and want horrified by it. Where you saved me and all my family.

"Off we go." Betty said smiling. My heart was getting healed each place we went. All three of us got in the car and headed to the Wyrm.

We arrived at the Wyrm to find Sweet Pea and Fangs there as well. "Bullet" by Ann Marr flowed through the speakers. They handed me my Serpent jacket which had yet another note in the pocket.

I was going through dark times, yet you loved me and stood with me no matter what. You saw the real me and wasn't horrified by it, but you loved me for who I was. I will never deserve that kind of love, but I want to at least try and make you feel like the only girl in the world. I was gonna send you to where we first kissed but that seemed kinda morbid, so I chose the next best place. Where I first laid my eyes on the love of my life.

I knew exactly where she was talking about.

I arrived at the place we had met, where I took her place in an illegal drag race.

I got out of the car to see an now empty road, where Toni stood in a giant spray-painted heart with Choni written in it.

"I got all healed and holy. I also got cornier." She said, "Cheryl, I am so sorry for everything. For not being enough for you. I made a promise to myself, but more importantly you. I've been to a therapist everyday since we split and finally worked out majority of my issues, and I'm ready to talk to you. So please let me. I love you, Cheryl. Can I be your one and only, you soulmate, your Cha-Cha again?" She asked with tears flowing down her cheek.

I cried and ran to her and hugged her. I pulled out and kissed her softly.

"Of course, Toni. I love you." I said as she kissed me back. Everyone cheered in the background. I turned around to see all of our friends who threw rose petals over us.

"You made all this for me?" I asked her taking all my notes from my pocket.

"Of course, I'd do anything for you." She told me.

"You are everything to me, Toni. I want to be everything to you." I said.

"Cheryl, I can fit my entire world in my hand." She said cupping my cheek.

"You got that off some cheesy website." I said smiling.

"Maybe I did. Still worked." She shrugged.

"I love you." I told her.

"I love you, Cheryl. I get butterflies in my stomach just thinking about you. I can't think or breathe when your around me. All I want to do is hold you, and kiss you. I'm honored that I can call you mine." She said looking into my eyes.

She pulled me into a hug.

"And I'm my ever going to leave you or hurt you again. I swear." She told me.

"Well my gay-dar just exploded." Kevin said.

"Maybe we should leave and give these two time to catch up." Sweet Pea said as they all made their way back into the town. Toni laid out a blanket and opened the two cherry cokes.

"Did you enjoy your adventure?" She asked me as we sat on the blankets together.

"I did but I loved the prize at the end." I smiled and kissed her. "I also love my bracelet."

"I'm glad." She smiled as the sun began to set. I cuddled into her.

"What are these numbers?" I asked.

"Those, are the coordinates to this exact spot." She said. My heart melted.

"You're so thoughtful." I said.

"I'm a helpless romantic." She told me.

"It's cute. How'd you get everything together and organized?" I said.

"Anything is easy to do when it comes from my heart. I hoped you liked it." She told me.

"It was perfect, Toni." I gushed.

"Only the best, for the best." She said kissing me again.

AN: So as i read it I begin to see that I used a lot of Grey's quotes. But you know that's fine. I just finished writing chapter 40 and it is so fricking good!! Love you all so much! Also, let me know if y'all want me to start posting spoilers/bits of chapters before I post them on like a social media account.

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