Chapter 38: The Cutie in the Jacket

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AN: Filler before the beef. Cheryl's birthday chapter so that's cool. Everyone remembers what happened last time at a birthday party, right? Good cuz it may happen again...hehe...

Written 6.5.18


Cheryl looked amazing in her dress. She walked down the stairs, as everyone's eyes went straight to her.

The party was only a few people and it doubled as an announcement party for Betty and Jughead's engagement.

My thought were broken as Cheryl walked up to me.

"Wow. You look incredible." I told her.

"I know." She smirked as I took her hand.

"Happy birthday, Princess." I said.

"Can you two just make out or leave already?" Veronica scoffed.

"Don't worry, V. Sweet Pea said he's stopping by." I told her.

We had only invited inner circle so the party wouldn't blow up too much. So far, in Betty, Veronica, Jughead, Micheal, and Fangs. But for some reason we couldn't find Micheal or Fangs.

Micheal had told me that they had recently started hanging out more, and I was happy for them. Micheal seemed happy, finally.

The party was great, no big drama happened. Sweet Pea didn't come by, which nearly broke Veronica. Neither me nor Cheryl drank, but Veronica drank enough for all of us to get wasted.

Finally, once everyone had left besides B, V, Jug, and me and Cheryl had left, Sweet Pea showed up.

"Your party must've sucked is everyone clear out this fast." He smirked before looking at a very drunk Veronica.

"Hey there handsome ." She flirted, "whats your name?"

"Sweet Pea." He replied to her.

"Hey I know a Sweet Pea! If you see another Sweet Pea, tell him to talk to me!" She slurred.

"Okay, V. Let's get you upstairs now." Cheryl said and hauled her up the stairs.

"Wait I wanna talk to the cutie in the jacket!" She whined.

"Maybe later." Cheryl said as they made their way upstairs.

"Be up in a sec, Cher!" I told her and turned my attention back to Sweet Pea.

"We're just gonna leave now." Jughead said.

"You guys can crash here if you want." I told him since Betty was very tipsy.

"Thanks." He said and grabbed Betty and picked her up.

"Hey! We are we going!" She yelled as he walked upstairs and into a guest room, leaving just me and Sweet Pea.

"Why'd you show up so late?" I asked him.

"Came to support you and Cheryl. I thought Veronica would have left by now." He told me.

"Will you at least hear her out?" I asked him.

"Maybe tomorrow. When she's sober." He said looking down. Like he was still sad.

"You two will be okay." I tried to assure him.

"Crash here for the night and talk to her in the morning." I told him, "I have to go upstairs to my girlfriend now though."

"Go get some!" He said making a rawr sound as I walked up the stairs and into Cheryls and my bedroom.

She was already in bed with one of my shirts on.

"Hey birthday girl." I smirked and walked into the room.

"Hey." She replied. I changed and got into the bed next to her.

"Do I get a special birthday gift?" She asked me.

"What were you thinking?" I asked seductively.

"I don't know. Nothing too major." She said in her 'I want something' voice.

"What do you want?" I asked her.

"To be a top for a night." She smirked.

"Uh, okay? If you wanna try." I told her, not really sure how it was gonna turn out. "When?"

"Right now." She replied and jumped on top of me.

"Now would be fine." I smirked as she smashed her lips into mine.

A new Cheryl had began blossoming, and Toni had a front row seat.

(AN: If you don't get what's going on then sry but for the rest of you...😏...BUT NORMALLY TONI IS TOPS NOT CHERYL, jeez).


I woke up to Toni getting dressed besides me. I remembered last night. Was she leaving because it was bad?

"Where you going?" I asked her.

"Oh, uh therapy. Then I have a, uh shift at the Wyrm. Won't be home until late tonight." She told me.

"Did you not like last night?" I asked her, hoping it wasn't true.

"What? No, babe. I loved it." She smiled looking at me.

"Really? I thought it would've been bad." I admitted.

"It was great for your first time." She told me, "But you know, I could teach you somethings."

"Oh yeah, what?" I said as I looked at her smirking.

"Maybe I'll tell you tonight." She teased, "I gotta go though, love you." She said and kissed me quickly before leaving our room.

I decided to get up for the day and walked downstairs.

Veronica and Sweet Pea were making out in my couch.

"You worked things out finally?" I asked making my way past them.

"Defiantly. I explained everything." Veronica said.

"I forgave her." Pea then said.

"You're already back up on each other now?" I asked judgmentally.

"I've missed her." Sweet Pea said.

"Maybe we should take this elsewhere." Veronica said suggestively to Sweet Pea.

"Yeah I think so too." Sweet Pea said lifting her up and taking her to his bike.

"Bye C!" Veronica yelled as she giggled and as Sweet Pea drove off. I rolled my eyes by shut the door.


Toni had been gone all day and I was about to call to make sure she was okay when there was a knock on the door.

I wondered who it was and walked up to answer it.

There stood Jughead, out of breath as he told me with a voice of concern,

"Toni's been taken by the Sister's of Quiet Mercy."

AN: I know it's short but it's hard to write fillers. Don't worry, next chapter has so much beef it could be a steak house.

Oh sry for the cliffhanger too. Life works out in the end...for most characters...hehe...

Okay. If you want to know what happens at the Sisters, I'll make y'all a deal. You each get one comment guessing on what will happen. If you get it right, I'll private message you. If you get it wrong then I won't say anything. But you do get one guess.

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