Chapter 40: Broken

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AN: y'all seemed so mad at me...

Written 6.6.18


"You're, you're what?" I asked as tears began to fill my eyes. We're the nuns making her do this? What was going on?

"I don't want to be your girlfriend anymore." She said. I stood there, on the verge of sobbing. I managed to ask,

"What, T, why?" I asked, heartbroken.

"Please Cheryl, its for your own good." Toni replied. She was serious, and she didn't seem to care that MY HEART WAS BREAKING IN FRICKING TWO.

"No, Toni, its not. With everything we've been through. I don't care about anything else. I haven't cared this much since, ever. All I want is you, Toni. I want a family with you. I want to watch you build a white picket fence while I sit on a chair on our porch of our house in Riverdale as our children run around playing. I want to grow old with you as our kids shove our meds down our throats once we go old and loopy. I want to have old person sex with you. I want to die when I'm 110 years old in your arms. None of that can happen without you. Nothing could make me not want you anymore. Why don't you want to date me anymore? Why don't you want me anymore?" I asked sobbing. A single tear dripped from her eye.

"I'm sorry." Toni said as she stood up and kissed me. I felt her lips on mine and her hot breath on my skin.

"Toni, please." I begged her.

"No ones gonna hurt you again, Cheryl. I love you. But I just can't date you anymore." she told me.

"Just tell me why at least?" I said, still sobbing. Toni cupped my cheek, wiping my tear stained cheek and taking a deep breath.

"From the day I met you, I knew you went through a lot of pain. I know everything you've been through. I kept prying and prying and I finally broke through to you, and you broke through to me. You've changed me in every way for the better, and for that I love you. I was a broken little mess without love and without a reason to live, and now I have both. I never thought I was capable of this kind of love, and you told me I was. Everything about you. You have a such a fiery that dorky personality, how could I not fall for you? No matter what you do, I will always be by your side. I can't survive without you. Every time you look at me, I can't breathe. Your kiss takes my breath away every time. When you talk, all I see is your lips moving because I am memorized by your beauty. My brain cannot fully comprehend why you chose me. Everything I do, is for you. You mean everything to me and if I lost you, I don't know what I would do. You are my home. I love you, and nothing will ever change that. Even if you don't love me, I will always love you. And because of that, we can't date anymore. And I can't be your girlfriend anymore." Toni said.

AN: HEY HI HELLO. lol, sorry. I will update tomorrow, I promise. But I couldn't resist another cliffhanger. Everything will be explained next chapter.

IF YOU WANT A SPOILER DO THIS: Follow and private message me. If you already follow me, just private message me ONE QUESTION. I will answer the best I can without revealing too much.

If I get a lot of people wanting/commenting for the next chapter, it may go up sooner (IE: give the story attention and I'll update)


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