Chapter 48: Death Trap

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AN: I feel like I just regained your trust so we're gonna spice it up with a cliffhanger again! Woooohooo! Sucks for you. Jk I love you all. Thanks for reading!

Written 6.21.18


"Oh, it's uh, still occupied." I awkwardly said to a guy who tried to walk into the bathroom. He smiled understandingly.

"You're getting more than me right now." He said.

Toni walked out of the bathroom, giving me and the random dude a smile before walking back to our seats.

"Oh, she's a cutie." He smiles.

"She is. Where's yours?" I ask him.

"Orange shirt, second row." He said as I see a cute boy sitting in the second row.

"Oooh he's a cutie." I smirked.

"I know." He said, "Is anyone else gonna come out of that bathroom?"

"No." I laughed as I returned to my seats.

"Who was that?" Toni asked as I sat back in my seat.

"Jealous are you?" I replied.

"No." Toni said meekly.

"He was just some guy with relationship advice with his boyfriend." I told her.

"Oh. Your cute. Wanna watch a movie?" She asked me as we turned on our screens.

"Sure." I replied.

We put up the middle seat divider so we could cuddle and both put the movie, 'F the Prom' on at the same time.


Shortly after the movie began, Cheryl fell asleep in my arms. I turned the movies off and drifted off to sleep myself, before being waken up by Cheryl who was startled at turbulence.

"Hey, it's okay." I told her as she hugged onto me.

"Have you ever rode on a plane before?" She asked me.

"Once. My dad took me and Mikey to Hilton Head in South Carolina but all we did was go to the beach." I told her.

"Oh. Was it fun?" Cheryl asked me.

"Um, not really. My dad seemed off and it was right before he left so that's probably why. Mikey had a good time because he didn't notice Dad or anything." I admitted.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She frowned.

"Hey, don't be. You weren't even there. This'll be my first real vacation." I said.

"Oh. Mine too. I mean, I took small road trips to Clifford's business trips but nothin big like this." She told me.

"Clifford?" I asked her.

"Well I mean, I have a new daddy." She smirked.

"Your gonna have to stop doing that." I said.

"Doing what?" She asked.

"Turning me on!" I whispers quietly.

"It's hard when I'm hot." She told me.

"You gonna show me how hot you are later tonight?" I asked her. She just smiled and got up.

"Where are you going?" I asked her next.

"To take off my nails." She said grinning as she walked off to the bathroom.


We finally got off that deathtrap after a horrible flight as I felt the warm air on my face.

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