Chapter 18: Movie Night

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AN: Okay so this is probably the chapter that 'it' (y'all know what it is...) happens. I'm not gonna wrote it in detail or anything (fun fact: I'm straight but am majorly supportive) so yeah. But the idea is there so warning (maybe some more intimate things but nothing too explicit...). So yeah. Be prepared for no detail (not much). Thanks for reading!!

Also, I know Mevin/Koose has taken off or whatever, but I ship Kangs more so that's that. I may change it if y'all want me to, so leave a comment on who's better.

Written 5.19.18 (think that's the date?)


Toni opened the door to reveal Sweet Pea with a pack of twelve of beer, Veronica with a bottle a tequila, Betty and Jughead attached together, Reggie with his arm around Josie, and Fangs and Kevin making out.

"Mikeeeeeyy my boy!" Sweet Pea yelled pulling Micheal into a bro hug.

"Missed you man." Micheal said.

"Glad your good. What'd those bruiser do to you?" He asked. Micheal shot Toni a look before Toni said,

"We'll talk later, Pea." She said. I raised an eyebrow but Sweet Pea seemed to understand and dropped it.

"What movie?" Toni asked to break the silence.

"Let us in and we'll talk." He said.

"Come on in." I said.

We all sat into the living room. I sat on Toni's lap on the couch as Rosie mimicked our actions. Betty and Jughead lay cuddled on the ground. Sweet Pea and Veronica sat next to them, cuddling as well. Whereas Fangs and Kevin where still making out, but "subtly" underneath a blanket. Micheal sat in between us and Rosie.

Sweet Pea got everyone drinks and handed Toni a beer.

"Beer, Blossom?" He asked me. I shook my head.

"Not a drinker?" Toni asked me.

"No, but I will have some of yours." I said grabbing the drink from her hand. I took a sip and made a face.

"I like the harder stuff." I said handing the beer back to Toni. Toni muttered something dirty under her breath as Micheal gave Sweet Pea a look.

"You were right, Mikey." He said, nodding.

"About what?" Toni scoffed.

"The sexual tension." He said, smirking.

Toni rolled her eyes before her lips crashed into mine. She deepened the kiss as I sighed contently. I moved to straddle her. I felt a hand move to my ass and felt a slight squeeze before she pulled out, returning her hand back to my hip.

"No tension here." She said winking. I repositioned myself back on her lap.

"Whatever." Sweet Pea said and put the movie in.


The movie finished and I looked down to find Veronica and Sweet Pea making out. Betty fell asleep on Jughead's shoulder, and Reggie was drooling over Josie who continuously teased him. Kevin and Fangs had left to find a room, since they were just "too tired".

"You and Betty can just stay in here." Cheryl said giving him an extra blanket.

"Josie, you and Reggie can have the spare closet to the stairs, and Veronica - Ronnie!" Cheryl said pushing Veronica off of Sweet Pea.

"What?" She finally pulled out from their steamy kiss.

"Never mind, Veronica take the spare closet to the stairs I do not wanna hear that tonight." Cheryl said, "You and Reggie can have the spare next to my room."

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