Chapter 34: Dealing with the Devil

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AN: Fillerish. Not too many exciting Choni dramas things (I guess that's good since they won't break up...anytime soon...😏) but they will be cute. Thanks for reading!!

Gets steamy but no too steamy.

Written 6.1.18


We ran out and sprinted to the barn. There stood Veronica and Penelope. Only Penelope shot in the head.

"Oh my god." Cheryl said, "What the fuck happened!"

"Claudias shot her." Veronica said, "I have the footage. Keller is on his way."

As if on cue, Keller walked in gun cocked. He told us to all go down to the station. Cheryl and I got on my bike.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"I'm - I'm - I don't know. She abused me for years but I didn't want her dead." She stuttered.

"It's okay. Let's just go the station and see what happened." I told her as we sped off.

Veronica was giving us a rundown of what happened.

"Claudias was upset at Penelope for not following their plan. The plan was break you two up, then kidnap you and send you away. But Penelope didn't want to hurt Cheryl again. So she started to disband everything but Claudias shot her." Veronica told us. We then watched the video.

Claudias was yelling at Penelope with Veronica standing in the corner. Then Claudias raised and gun and shot Penelope straight between the eyes, just as Clifford had done to Jason.

"Veronica do you know anywhere Claudias could be now?" Keller asked.

"No, I'm sorry." She replied.

"Okay. You all can go now. I'm sorry for your loss, Cheryl." He told us and we walked outside.

"And why did you know about this plan?" Cheryl asked Veronica as we stepped outside.

"They threatened me. Told me to break you two up or else." She told us.

"Or else what?" I asked her.

"Or they'd expose my fathers plan for the town" she answered.

"So what? You hate him anyways." Cheryl said.

"If my fathers plans were to be revealed by Penelope because of me, he'd kill everyone I care about." She said.

"That's why you broke up with Sweet Pea." I said shaking my head.

"I didn't want them to think I still love him." She said, "I was gonna make a plan to save you before it could happen, I swear."

"How were you planning on breaking us up?" I asked her.

"I brought the JJ for you to take." She told us, "and Penelope invited Quinn back. Then I just had to get Toni mad enough to take it. I'm so sorry. I was gonna walk everything back once I figured out a plan. I'm so sorry."

"We're not forgiving you, yet, but if you take everything back with everything then we may forgive you." Cheryl said.

"Thank you for giving me a chance." Veronica said. "But by the way, amazing apology to Cheryl, Toni. You are truly a romantic. I'm glad you could patch everything up."

"Me too." I said and grabbed Cheryl's hand.

"It shows that true love conquers all." Veronica said smiling.

"True love?" Cheryl asked.

"You two are the are the reason I still have hope for Pea and I." Veronica said sadly.

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