Chapter 4: Compassion

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AN: This takes place immediately after the last chapter. Hope you all enjoy!


After cleaning myself up I walked over to the door when I heard Veronica ask,

"So, what are you and Cheryl?" I stopped in my tracks. I know I shouldn't eavesdrop, but this was my chance to see how Toni really felt.

"We're dating? I don't know, she told Heather I was her girlfriend. I care about her, a lot." I heard Toni's voice say.

"Really? Cheryl? Didn't think she was your type? I nearly spit out my water when you told me you liked her." Jughead said. I could hear Betty say "Juggy!" before I heard Toni say,

"She's my world l, Jug. I think - " Toni said

"What?" Veronica asked.

"I think I'm in love with her." Toni finished. My heart stopped as I felt my heart melt. Toni Topaz loves me. Me. I barely heard Veronica say,

"I'm glad. After everything Cheryl's been through with Sweetwater River, then Nick" her voice faded off, "She deserves you, Toni."

"Wait wh-" Toni began. I know I needed to interrupt her. Nick hadn't been a conversation yet.


I nearly fell out of my chair when Cheryl walked out. Her bags under her eyes looked like it weighed a hundred pounds. She needed some sleep, but couldn't here. She smiled, but I could see the exhaustion. I looked at Betty. Her reaction was the same. Cheryl's been through a lot. Her brother getting killed by her own dad, her father killing himself, an attempt at suicide, an almost rape, her mother being basically a prostitute and abusing her for years, being sent to a gay conversion camp, but I have never seen that girl falter. Not once have I seen the pain that was held in her eyes. I looked at Toni who sat there staring at Cheryl.

"Uh, Cheryl?" Betty asked.

"Yes, dear cousin," Cheryl responded.

"V and I were gonna go to Pop's and get lunch, want to come? You should probably get out and see something else. How long have you been awake?" Betty asked

"I've been here awake with Toni since she came in." Cheryl said, "it hasn't been that long, has it?" Toni's eyes widened.

"Cheryl it's been almost two days," Toni said. Cheryl looked down.

"Oh, well." She replied.

"Come with us, Cheryl," I said. "Let's go."

We walked out and into my car where Andre was waiting. We all got in as I told Andre to head to Pops. Cheryl was curled up next to Betty and was soon sleeping. Betty looked at me.

"Did you see her eyes? They actually looked like they had compassion in them." Betty said. I nodded.

"Oh Blossom, what has Topaz done to you?" I said chuckling.

"Cheryl deserves someone, with everything she's gone through. I'm glad someone makes her this happy." Betty said.

We arrived at Pops. Cheryl's head popped up as the car came to a stop. We walked in as dozens of eyes rested on an exhausted Cheryl. She put on her fake smile, corrected her posture, and started back. She walked up to Pop saying,

"Two vanilla milkshakes, one chocolate, one strawberry, one mocha, ten burgers, three sides of fries, and one side of onion rings," she said. Pop looked at her but went to the kitchen to prepare the food. I pulled out my credit card and paid since I was looking for a new way to waste my father's dirty money and we got back into the car.


When everyone arrived back at the hospital, my eyes rested at Cheryl. She perked her head and mouthed "What?" I looked at both Veronica and Betty and mouthed back, "We'll talk later." Everyone was working on their first burger (besides Jughead who was on his third) and I actually felt good for once. The doctor then came in and told me that I was going home the next day. Everyone except Cheryl left around four, giving me a chance to talk to her about what Jughead had explained about a certain Nick St. Devil had done. I gave her a glare and she looked back at me.

"What's wrong, Cha-Cha?" she asked.

"Jughead and I had a very interesting conversation. About a certain slimy creature who tried to rape you. Cher, how could you not tell me?" I asked. I wasn't trying to bring something up that hurt her, but I wanted her to feel confident to tell me anything, as I did her.

"I didn't think it was relevant. I was going to tell you, once I knew one thing," she said. I raised my eyebrow.

"And that is?" I asked. She took my hand before asking,

"What are we? I mean, I kind of assumed but nothing was confirmed nor denied. Nothing happened officially either.  I really, I - I really like you, Toni. And I want to know beca-" I interrupted her.

"Cheryl Blossom," I began, "Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" I looked straight into her gorgeous eyes, eyes I could get lost in forever. She smiled slyly and nodded.

"Antoinette Topaz, I would love you be your girlfriend," she said. I pulled her into me, kissing her beautiful lips. She sighed after pulling out. "I guess you want to talk about Nick and my incident at Sweetwater River." I nodded slowly. I knew it would take some time to pull every demon out of her, but I knew I had to try.

"I was going to tell you, but I didn't want to push everything out on you. I have a lot of problems, Topaz." she said, "I didn't want to scare you off."

"Nothing could change how I feel about you, Cheryl. Not even your mother's filthy money and vile threats." I reassured her. She looked at me and I saw what I had seen in Pop's that night. A broken down, sad little girl, with no one to pick up the pieces. 


I laid in Toni's very uncomfortable hospital bed, listening to her breathing. Although I'm taller than her, I lay cuddles up with her, my head on her chest. I finally was able to fall asleep to the smooth rhythm of her breath and her sweet smell of vanilla and strawberries.

AN: Hope you enjoyed! Please leave suggestions in the comments and tell me what you enjoyed and what to change for next time. Thanks for reading (next chapter should some decently soon...I hope.)!

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