Chapter 11: Truth or Truth?

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AN: Things may get intense soon, not sure. Please enjoy! This happens a week after the movie thingie.

Written 5.11.18


It had been a week and Veronica hasn't lived up her side of the deal yet. I was getting a bit upset, but Ronnie told me not to worry.

"How about a trip back to Lodge Lodge? Maybe this time I won't be there with a complete dick." Veronica said as we all sat in the lounge. I looked at Toni who was staring off in the distance.

"Sure. Me and Jug are in." Betty said.

"I'm in." Sweet Pea responded. There relationship had been going slow but sweet. I thought it was weird. A guy named Sweet Pea and Veronica but I guess you fall in love with who you fall in love with. I was in no position to judge.

"We're in." Reggie responded, his arm around Josie. They had become a thing very quickly. Too quickly. I gave an ice stare to him as he pulled his arm off Joise getting up.

"I'm there. Toni?" I looked at the beautiful girl, who looked up at me.

"If you're there, I'm there." Toni said nodding.

"Perfect," Veronica said, "I'll text you the address." She sent a wink my way and I knew what she was planning.


I looked in shock at the huge lake house that was in front of me. As we all entered the house, I looked around. It was nearly as big as Thornhill before the, uh tragic, events. Toni grabbed my hand. I looked back at her. Veronica pushed through, forcing out hands to separate.

"Welcome to Lodge Squared, bitches. I'll show you your room, but remember don't get too kinky tonight. There are thing walls." She said smirking.

I walked into a luxurious room and I sat down on the king mattress.

"This'll do." I mutter under my breath.

"What?" Toni asked.

"Uh I said I'm hungry." I quickly tried to cover up.

We walked into the living room and found nearly everyone else on the L-shaped couch. Jughead had his arm around Betty, and Sweet Pea sat next to Veronica their hands holding each other faintly. Toni crashed on the couch next to Betty. I laid down and put my head on Toni's lap as she played with my hair.

"Reggie not now!" We heard Josie yell before they entered the room, an obvious hickey on her neck. Reggie sat next to Jughead and pulled Josie on his lap. She giggled but complied. I rolled my eyes.

"Is dinner coming?" I asked annoyed at them.

"Yeah. I ordered it." Sweet Pea answered. I nodded.


I could see the flare of jealousy in Cheryl as Reggie and Josie kept exchanging glances at each other. After dinner Veronica made us drinks and made us get in the hot tub. I quickly got changed into my swim suit as I saw Cheryl emerge from the bathroom, in a cherry red bikini.

"You're drooling, Topaz." She said, smirking.

"I'm just admiring the view." I clapped back.

We walked back outside and found Josie straddling Reggie as they made out. I noticed a scoff from Cheryl before Betty and Veronica walked out, followed by Sweet Pea and Jughead. Betty sat next to Jughead as Veronica and Sweet Pea sat inches apart, glancing at each other. Cheryl sat on my lap as I hugged her stomach from behind. Cheryl smiled at me before glancing at Josie again. I felt a void in my stomach.

"Get a room." Cheryl said, rolling her eyes.

"Let them be young and in love." Veronica said. "It's game time lovers. Since everyone here it's time to play truth or truth."

"Isn't it truth or dare?" Jughead asked suspiciously.

"Yes but everyone here is in a relationship so no good juice can come from it." Veronica said. "Everyone answers all the questions."

Everyone nodded and agreed.

"First question. When was the last time your panties were dropped?" Veronica asked. I could tell either V was drunk or trying to get info out of someone.

"An hour ago." Reggie said smirking.

"A week ago?" Betty said looking at Jug who just nodded.

"Been a few weeks." Sweet Pea said.

"Same. What about you Toni?" Veronica perused me. I looked up, trying to remember.

"Uhhh, a two months ago?" I said not sure. Cheryl and I hadn't yet, and I think the last time was with this drunk chick in the White Wrm. Everyone looked at Cheryl. She looked at her drink. I felt her slightly tense.

"To be dropped." She finally answered. Everyone looked shocked. I was shocked. She was a virgin? How could I not know?


I was sort of mortified when Veronica asked everyone about their last time. Toni seemed shocked but caring. I didn't want to play anymore but if I said anything people would think I was upset by it.

"Moving on. How old and with who did you get, defiled. Winner gets to ask the next question." Veronica asked.

"Winner?" Betty asked.

"Youngest age and whoever had the best person ." Veronica said.

"I'll go first." Veronica said. "15 and with my New York boyfriend."

"17 and Juggie." Betty said. Jughead grabbed her hand.

"17 with Betty." He said.

"Ok, so far Veronica's winning. No offense but you two aren't the best fish in the sea." Sweet Pea said.

"Not for long. 14 and Ginger." Reggie said smirking.

"Ew Ginger?" Cheryl asked, "No wonder I fired her. She obviously had the brain capacity of a pea. Especially if she slept with you." Josie rolled her eyes.

"16 and Adam." Josie said. "It was bad." She confirmed. Everyone looked to Sweet Pea and Toni, myself included.

"13." Sweet Pea quickly answered.

"Who?" Reggie asked him. Sweet Pea mumbled a name.

"C'mon it can't be that bad. Who was she?" I asked. He still didn't respond.

"Fine. Toni, what about you?" Veronica asked.

"13." She said.

"13!?!" I yelled. I wasn't mad, just shocked. She grabbed my hand.

"I was drunk."

"Who?" Jughead asked.

"Some random Serpent." She admitted.

"Some random guy!?!" I asked. Now I was a little annoyed.

"He was the guy who had just given me my tattoo." She said.

"Was he at least hot?" Veronica asked. Toni and Sweet Pea exchanges glances. I was in shock. She lost her virginity to Sweet Pea!?! Rage and jealousy fueled me.

"YOU AND SWEET PEA!?!" I yelled. She looked at me with her gorgeous chocolate eyes.

"Cher, we were drunk." She defended herself. I calmed down a bit but pulled my hand away from hers.

AN: Thank you so much for reading! Leave comments for what you want next!

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