Chapter 35: Too Young?

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AN: Y'all been wanting those scandelous parts. Here it is. Not too explicit since I've never had a girlxgirl experience before. I'll write as much as my little straight heart can take. Hope you enjoy.

Suicide talk. Trigger warning now.

Written 6.3.18



They had found Claudias a day after he had killed Penelope and they took him to the hospital after trying to kill himself. Even though he was in the mental facility wing, he still got a hold of a knife and killed himself. I don't think Cheryl truly cared since she never really knew him closely. The funeral for both was a day after they had found Claudias.

All I hoped was that Cheryl was okay with everything. It killed me to see her hurt over her mother, and now the same fate for her uncle. I desperately wanted her to not feel alone, but I knew internally she did. I did get to see Nana Rose again, who was witty as ever. She stayed with us for the week following the funeral, but the facility wanted her back today.

We took Cheryl's car and drove Nana back to her care center.

"I hate it there." Nana spat as we got closer.

"I'm sorry, Nana. I'll look for a different place to send you. Or maybe a in house nurse to take care of at Thistlehouse." Cheryl suggested.

"Better be soon or I'll escape here myself." She told us as we pulled in the complex. We wheeled Nana back into her room and got her settled.

"Cheryl, dear, I left my coat in your car. Can you run and get it?" She asked Cheryl.

"Of course." Cheryl said and walked out of the room.

Nana pulled out something from her pocket. It was a diamond ring.

"Here. Take this." She told me and put it in my hand.

"What is this?" I asked her.

"The heirloom ring of course. I can see the way you look at her. How you talk and act with her. It's like you want nothing to go wrong. It's sweet to see a nicer side to Serpents. When are you planning on proposing?" She brought up.

"I think it's too soon." I told her and handed the ring back.

"You mean I have to stay on this dreaded earth for you to propose then get married?" She scowled.

"I'm sorry." I apologized.

"Don't be sorry. Cheryl's the happiest I've seen her when she's with you. You two aren't too young. Not when your loves this strong. Don't tell me you haven't thought about it." She said.

"I have, of course. She's the love of my life. But I'm not sure how. And I don't want to have the ring yet." I told her.

"Fine. But the next time you see me, you better be asking for my approval." She told me right as Cheryl walked back into the room.

"What are you two chit-chatting about?" She asked.

"Just how your getting me out of this hellhole." Nana spat.

"We will, Nana. I promise." I told her.

"You two should be heading out. It's getting dark out and I need to rest." She said shooing us. We got back into Cheryls car and had a nice drive back to Thistlehouse.


To say i was sexually frustrated was an understatement. All I wanted was to have another night with Toni (more importantly her body) but all the horrid events kept happening and ruining it. Finally, it was a nice night with no one in the house. We both went upstairs as Toni lay on the bed on her phone.

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