Chapter 23: Jeremy Topaz

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AN: So the dick I mean dad is in town so that should be fun. Let's just see where is takes us! Got another plot line that's coming after this so stay tuned! Hope you enjoy!

Written 5.24.18


My heart was racing as we rode out to Pops. My dad had such shitty timing. Things were finally settling down, and now he has to show up. The adoption already went through since he was gone, but I just didn't want to see him anymore.

"Toni." Cheryl said. I snapped out of my rant and realized we were here.

"You're just meeting the whole damn Topaz family, huh?" I chuckled.

"Yeah, well. You've already met everyone who's alive in my family so it counts." She replied.

"I wish I could've met Jason." I told her.

"Me too. He would've loved you." She said.

"We just gonna chitchat or we gonna kick his ass?" Micheal asked.

"I can agree with you on that one, Miley. But it'll have to wait. It's adulty to hear him out." I reminded him.

"Who's the adult here?" He asked.

"Be nice." Toni said, ruffling his hair.

We walked into the diner and looked around. I finally saw him on my left.

A well put together man with gel in his hair. He looked like an old Micheal, but I could see the resemblance between him and Toni. He has a million dollar smile that could convince you to do anything, just like Toni.

I turned to Toni who had a scowl on her face as we made our way to see him. Everyone sat on the opposite side of him.

"Toni, Micheal, and I don't believe we've met." He said reaching his hand out.  I took it and shook.

"I'm Jeremy Topaz. Are you Mikey's girlfriend?" He asked me.

"Yeah." Mikey began.

"No, it's fine Mikey. She's my girlfriend, Dad." Toni said. He took a deep breath.

"So I see." He said as she intertwined our hands.

"Still confused." He muttered.

"No, I'm not fucking confused. I love her." She said aggressively tightening our hands connected.

"Toni. Relax." Micheal said. She eased her grip.

"Well then. We should talk about why I invited you." He began, "I'm here to take Micheal with me."

"Wait, what?" Micheal asked.

"Yeah, what? No way in hell you're taking him." Toni said.

"You can't possibly take care of him." He argued.

"Why not?" She asked.

"You are a teenager. You have no income and are incapable." He said.

"Toni has been more of a mom and dad that's you have ever been. You left Mom and us, and now you come back?" Micheal fought.

"You want some dyke looking over you?" He said getting not aggressive.

"Don't you fucking call her that." Micheal said getting up.

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