Chapter 33: The Photographer and the Designer

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AN: So this is the aftermath of the rekindling. Hope you enjoy and place leave a comment on what you want next!

There is some talk about PTSD and some people who are victims of PTSD may have it different from what I describe in the story. I personally have PTSD from various things and I know there are many interpretations. PTSD is different for each person and their situation. But I do want to give a warning just in case. Sorry for my rant. It's just something that's personal I guess. I don't know. There's not even that much talk to it in here. Oh well.

Written 5.31.18


Cheryl snuggled up to me as the stars started to appear one by one.

It was beginning to get darker and I suggested that we get going. We both got onto my bike as she squeezed onto me. I missed the feeling of her and the wonderful scent of cherries.

I drove us to Thistlehouse and we both went into the mansion and made our way up to her room. She sat on the bed as I walked up to her. I kissed her softly. She pulled out for a second.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Nothing. I just missed you." She said kissing me again.

"I missed you too." I told her showering her lips with more kisses.

"I just don't want us to make the same mistakes we did last time." She said.

"I don't either." I replied, "Its getting late."

"Yeah." She nodded.

"Do you want me to stay?" I asked her.

She nodded again. We got into bed as she cuddled up to me again.

"I don't want us to be awkward." She said out of silence.

"Me neither." I replied quickly, "You wanna talk about, just, everything."

"I think we should." She nodded.

"What do you want to know?" I asked. "I've been going to see my therapist everyday and she's says I'm improving."

"That's good." She said, but her voice wandered off.

"I'm not drinking at all." I told her, knowing that me taking JJ was probably upsetting. "And I made Mikey promise me that if I took that stupid drug again..."

"That was the only time, right?" She asked me.

"Yeah. I'm not ever putting us through that again. And I'm still working at the Wyrm, but not drinking at all." I told her.

"Toni you don't have to-" she began but I cut her off.

"No, I do. The whole reason I made those stupid mistakes was because I was drunk. But it's not gonna happen again." I promised her. She leaned up and kissed me.

"How's things been with Sweet Pea after Ronnie?" She asked me.

"He's been hitting on any girl who walked into the Wyrm." I told her.

"I don't even know what's going on with Veronica. First, she breaks up with Sweet Pea. Then, she picks a drunken fight with you. And finally, she hooks up with Archie again." She complained.

"Has she talked to you?" I asked.

"No. Not at all. Betty just told me yesterday." She told me.

"Oh. So you haven't..." I said my voice fading off.

"Of course not." Cheryl told me, "has anything or anyone come up to you?"

I hesitated. Should I tell Cheryl, I risk her being upset. Should I lie to her about my flirtatious moment with Bailey, she might find out a bad way and be even more upset. I decided that honesty was the best policy with Cheryl.

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