Chapter 6: Rip Em' Out

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AN: Had some pretty fast updates because I have this story-line and where I want it to go so I've just been writing and writing. Big bombshells about Toni so I hope you enjoy my take on that. Thanks for reading!

Written 5.4.18


I woke up to someone pounding on my door. It had been two days since I kicked Toni out, and I still couldn't sleep sound without her next to me. After five minutes of someone pounding on the door, I finally got up to answer it. I gasped when I saw who was.

"Toni?" I asked her.

"Blossom," she said, smiling.

"I thought I told you t-" I began, but was soon interrupted by her lips. I sighed contently into her. As upset as I was, I couldn't deny that I missed her. She pulled out handing me an envelope she held in her hands. I raised an eyebrow. "What's this?"

"The reason I always went out and took all those calls. I was getting emancipated. I am emancipated. The trips were to my mom in prison. The calls were her lawyer. I'm finally free." she said smiling.

"TOPAZ!" I said, grabbing her into a hug, "But why couldn't you tell me?"

"If any of the Ghoulies found out, they'd put a stop to it. I couldn't do anything against them since I was a legally a "minor" Ever since they tortured and shot me." she said, bitterly.

"You still couldn't trust me?" I asked, still bitter.

"I wanted to, believe me." she told me, "I just, I'm sorry. I forgot I can trust you. I'm so used to never being able to trust anyone. I - I - I'm just sor-" she began before I interrupted her by kissing her.

"You are forgiven T. T., " I said after pulling away. She smiled as I led her into Thistlehouse. "Now tell me everything," I commanded.


I poured everything out to Cheryl. How my dad left when I was ten. How after my mother had to start selling drugs to keep me and my brother afloat. How once my mother was finally caught, my brother had to move to Greendale to live with another family, but that the family didn't want me since I was too old. How I was forced to live with my abusive, drunk uncle. How I joined the Serpents at twelve, the youngest age to ever join. How my mother finally signed my emancipation papers once she found out I had been shot. Cheryl listened carefully and became sympathetic.

"Why couldn't you just tell me?" Cheryl asked me.

"My father came back when I was fourteen. Said he was sorry and wanted to make amends and try to get Mom out of jail and get my brother back with the rest of us. She was about to be released and my brother had been living with us again when I came out. I thought everything would be fine, but he didn't like that. He said I was a disgrace to my family and left again. Without someone to support my family, the judge said they had to keep my mother in jail. My brother being older got to stay in Riverdale and he joined the Serpents, but he doesn't go to school or anything. I - I ruined all their lives, Cheryl. Just because I told him. It's my biggest regret." I said. Cheryl pulled me into a tight hug.

"It's not your fault. Just like you told me it's not my fault," she said. "Why have I not met this brother?"

"He's moody and 14. He lives with his friend in the trailer park. I see him as often as I can but he's technically illegally living here without any guardians. Sheriff Keller let it slide but I have a feeling Sheriff Minneta won't. That's why he wasn't at the hospital because being a minor he had to sign in and get his guardians signature." I told her. Cheryl's eyes immediately fell to the floor. She had been a cause of Sheriff Keller's exit, but I didn't blame it on her, and she shouldn't either. I grabbed her hand.

"Cher, whats wrong?" I asked. Her eyes were watering.

"If I had known I wouldn't have been so focused on him getting fired, T.," she told me.

"No, no. He needed to be replaced. No offense, but literally the Scooby Gang figured out who killed your brother and not him." I told her. She laughed at my attempt to lighten the mood. I kissed her slowly, pushing her down on the couch, crawling on top of her. My tongue grabbed her bottom lip, awaiting access. She granted it as he hands lowered to my hips. Right as my tongue was caught in her mouth, the doorbell rang. Cheryl pulled out, sighing.

"I should get that," she said. I nodded. She got up and answered the door to find a sobbing Veronica. Cheryl eyed me before hugging Veronica.

"What happened?" Cheryl asked Veronica.

"Archie," Veronica said. Cheryl rolled her eyes.

"What did that stupid idiot do to you?" I asked.

"He left me for Betty, who rejected him." she sobbed into Cheryl. Betty entered the house next.

"V! I'm so sorry. I didn't know he would do that! We were just talking when he kissed me!" Betty told Veronica.

"It's not you I'm mad at. I'm glad you rejected his loser ass." Veronica reassured her. Both Cheryl and Betty comforted her as Jughead walked in. Archie then entered,  clearly upset he made the wrong decision.

"Get lost," Jughead said.

"No! I did a stupid thing, Ronnie, please, I'm sorry." Archie said, trying to salvage something with her.

"I said get out," Jughead said once again.

"What are you gonna do, Jug? We both know who'd win in a fight." Archie said, stepping closer to Jughead. Jughead backed down, he knew the answer. I stepped up to Archie.

"I would advise you to get out." I threatened.

"What are you gonna do? You're like four feet." Archie snapped at me. I try to contain myself, but cheating bastards get the better of me, especially when I could hear the sobs of Veronica ringing in my ear. I aimed high and as he dodged punching me in my eye hard. I hit him in his left eye before hitting him in his balls.  As he stood there clutching his crotch I hit him twice in his left eye again, then kicked him again in his groin as he lost his breath I shoved him out the door and locked it. I turned back to a shocked yet relieved Veronica, as the rest of the remaining Core 4 (3 I guess now? Maybe Cheryl and I can get in. I'll have to see when tryouts are) looked at me.

"Watch out Mayweather here comes Topaz," Betty said, chuckling.

"How'd you manage that?" Jughead asked.

"Its a mutual thing for guys not to kick each other in their soft spot. I'm not a guy and he crossed a line when he punched me." I told them. They nodded their heads as Veronica finally stopped crying. I touched my eye and felt the bruise forming, but that didn't matter.

"Next time, rip them out," Veronica told me as Cheryl left to get an ice pack and Bughead went to make sure Archie left.

"Rip what out?" I asked her.

"His balls. Grab them and rip." She told me. I laughed, glad she was still in the mood for jokes. Cheryl returned with an ice pack for me.

"Well, now I know that if some pig like Reggie hits on me again what'll happen." she joked. I smiled. When Betty and Jughead came back, we agreed to go to Pop's, not letting Archie ruin our night.

AN: So this is sort of like a filler...I'm sorry but I think Archie is an F-Boy and I wanted to make him a jerk in this. He might pull a Chuck and come back as a good guy. I don't know yet but I do know that he's being an idiot right now and I needed a sort-of antagonist. It was either him or Jughead and I personally ship Barchie (sorta) but I know a lot of people would rage if I broke up Bughead so Archie it was! I like more Veronica, Betty, and Jughead stuff. I'll try to get Josie, Kevin, and Reggie in too. And definitely other Serpents. Tell me who you want in this or if you don't want someone in this, and comment what you want Archie's fate to be. Its really up to you guys, but this and the next chapter is sort of like how it would be with the rest of the gang in here so tell me your thoughts, please! Also should I introduce the brother? Thanks for reading!

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