Chapter 28: Suck it Up

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AN: Toni's birthday chapter so that's cool. October 10th cannot come soon enough.

Sorry for the late update today. I was gonna do it earlier this morning but I slept in until like 11 per usual.

Written 5.29.18


I hated my birthday. I didn't want to tell Cheryl, but my birthday always marks the day my dad left for the first time. But Jughead said that I have a girlfriend now and need to suck it up.

"I know but Cheryls planning this entire party for me, and we've literally had like 3 parties in the last week." I complained.

"Tell her you want it small." He sggested.

"Oh yeah, how'd that work out for you?" I shot back.

"That was Cheryl's fault, by the way." He reminded me.

"Yeah, well, it's whatever, Jug. I gotta go talk to Pea." I told him and walked her to Sweet Pea who was sitting alone.

"Time to talk." I said sitting next to him.

"I told you Quinn's gone." He said.

"Not about Quinn. This is about you." I told him.

"What about me?" He asked.

"I know you're hiding something from Veronica." I confronted him.

"How?" He asked me.

"I don't know." I answered.

"So Cheryl knows I'm hiding something from Veronica and told you." He said raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, whatever." I said chuckling, "but I told her I'd get the tea so, spill."

"Quinn caught me..." he began but I interrupted.

"Cheating?" I interjected.

"No, of course not." He said, "she caught me delivering."

"What, drugs? That's not even that bad." I told him.

"Yeah, but Quinn has a video of me doing a delivery. And Veronica doesn't know." He said.

"Well shit, Pea. You need to tell her. I mean you're a Serpent I think she would know or even assume, right?" I asked him.

"I don't know. I'm just scared." He admitted.

"Aw you love her?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess I do." He said and blushed.

"I've never seen you whipped before, Pea." I teased.

"So are you. I mean I got an invite to your birthday party. When have you ever celebrated your birthday?" He said and raised an eyebrow.

"Im just trying not to sulk." I told him.

"Who woulda thunk Little Topaz woulda fell for a Northside Princess." He said.

"Speak for yourself, Mr. 'I'm scared that my girlfriends gonna find out about me delivering drugs'" I replied.

"Whatever, T. Just don't tell her yet." He told me.

"Fine. I gotta go." I said and walked out of the Wyrm.


"Are you enjoying the party?" I asked Toni who looked a little sad. The party had just started but for some reason she was upset, which annoyed me a little. I guess I had planned everything out for her and was upset that she wasn't happy, nor was she telling me what was wrong.

"Yeah." She muttered but kept her eyes down.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Nothing." She lies.

"Toni, what's wrong?" I press her further.

"Just bad thoughts today." She said finally.

"We'll try to enjoy your party." I told her with a bit of annoyance in my voice.

"I didn't want a party, Cher." She said her tone shifting.

"That's what everyone says." I tried to brush it off.

"No, Cheryl, I don't want this." She said and gestured around.

"Well if you would talk to me more maybe I would've known!" I said beginning to raise my voice.

"I did talk to you, Cheryl. But you just wanna keep talking about my issues, so of course, I don't wanna talk." She said.

"If you would've told me instead of brushing me off!" I yelled.

"You know, maybe we should spend time apart." I said finally.

"No, Cheryl, I didn't mean that." She said her expression softening.

"It's for the best." I told her with tears in my eyes before walking away.

Toni stood there, shocked and unable to say anything.

"Cheryl, wait. Please." She said trying to catch up to me.

"No, Toni. We just need time to blow of some steam. It's been building up with everything." I told her.

"Cheryl." She said her eyes threatened to spill tears.

"No, Toni." I said as I could feel my heart breaking. Why was I doing this?

"If it's what you want." She said finally before walking away.

After about twenty minutes, Toni was wasted. I saw as she stumbled into the bathroom.

"Fine. It's whatever. She got mad at you for trying to do something nice for once." I thought to myself.

Still, big part of me regretted us breaking up. My heart ached. I don't even know why I did it. I don't even have a reason. I knew I had to talk to Toni later and probably apologize, but she was too drunk to get anything now.

"Cheryl!" I heard Betty yell which broke me from my thoughts, "Come here it's Toni."

I saw her near the bathroom and waving me over.

I walked into the bathroom to see a drunk Veronica and Toni with a bloody hand. Veronica just stood there dazed while Toni was wiping away the blood on her hand.

"Did she punch Veron..." I began.

"No. She shattered the mirror though." Betty said. I looked over at the broken mirror, which I didn't see before, then at Toni. I couldn't think about what Betty was saying. Why would Toni do this? How did this happen? Did I really wanna find out?

"I - I can't right now Betty. Will you take care of Toni, please?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I guess. Just thought you would want to know." She muttered before helping Toni and her hand. "You take V, though, I think she broke up with Sweet Pea and she's drunk as shit."

"Yeah, okay." I said and grabbed Veronica. I took her to a spare room.

"Go to bed." I told her as she got into bed. She feel asleep after ten minutes and I shut and locked her in the room.

When I came back downstairs I saw Toni on a table dancing and enjoying herself, jingle-jangle in her hand.

AN: oops. I'd say I'm sorry, but am really? 😈. Beef be coming. Hope you enjoyed and leave a comment telling me what you think! Thanks!

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