Chapter 43: A Lucky Guy

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AN: nothin much to say. Thanks for all your support! Please comment and tell me your thoughts! Hope you enjoy!

Written 6.14.18


"I can't believe your going dress shopping, Antoinette." Sweet Pea mocked.

"Call me that again and I'll kill you." I threatened.

"I'm just sayin you're so whipped." He laughed.

"Am not." I replied. Micheal snorted.

"What, you have something to say?" I asked him

"Last time to had a dress on was, was, I've never seen you with a dress on, T." Mikey told me.

"Whatever." I scoffed and walked out of my dressing room.

"Damn. You look good Tiny." Fangs told me.

"Again with the names! And thanks." I replied.

"You think Cheryl'll like it?" I asked them.

"If she doesn't, she crazy." Sweet Pea said.

"Great. Because I'm not trying another one on. Let's buy you guys some pink ties!" I yelled.

"We seriously have to wear suits?" Fangs groaned.

"Yes, you do." I said and waved over the lady person.

"Can we get them fit?" I asked her. She lapped their bodies.

"Have you ever been fit?" She asked.

"No." Micheal scoffed.

"I have." Jughead said, "I have a suit already."

"Then just three suits for them and four pink ties that match my dress." I said, reading the directions off a post-it note Cheryl gave me.

"And, what does this say? I can't read cursive." I said trying to read Cheryls hand writing.

"Here I'll take it." The lady said. I handed her the post-it.

"Thanks. This really isn't my scene." I told her as I gestured to the shop.

"Yeah, I got that." She winked and walked into the back.


"I swear, she's gonna screw it up." I complained.

"You're probably right." Veronica said.

"V, you're supposed to be supportive and say, 'No, no, Toni's got this.'" Betty nudged her.

"But she doesn't. I don't even think she can read cursive." Veronica said.

"She won't understand the directions I left." I rolled my eyes.

"Fine. I'll go and check on her at the other store." Veronica said grabbing her purse.

"Thank you!" I said.

"Yeah, yeah." V nodded.

"Toni hasn't mentioned anything about the honeymoon?" Josie asked me.

"No!" I complained, "She's being all secretive and shit. I hate it!"

"You hate it when she's really sweet and plans some big secret romantic gesture for you?" Betty asked.

"Yes! Well, not when you put it like that." I replied.

"White people problems." Josie mumbled.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Nothing." Josie said and shot me a fake smile.

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