Chapter 26: Threats and Blackmail

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AN: Thanks you for 15k reads! I love you all so much. I hope you enjoy this chapter and I appreciate all your support and the encouragement makes me wanna write and publish faster. Also I've binged riverdale on Netflix so much this weekend but that's okay.

Written 5.26.18


"Toni," I said as both of our eyes filled with tears.

"Cheryl, I'll - I'll get help. I'll see a counselor, I promise. But I can't do this without you. Please, don't do this." She begged and grabbed my hand.

She leaned in and kissed my lips swiftly.

"You'll get help?" I asked.

"I swear on my life. Please, not now." She said.

I responded by kissing her once more, before breaking out to say, "I love you, Toni."

"I love you too, Blossom." She said cupping my cheek.

I pulled her into a hug as she cried on my shoulder.

"BREAKFAST BITCHES, oh shit, am I interrupting?" Veronica said walking in.

Toni quickly wiped her tears and unleached from me.

"No, no. We're good. What's for breakfast?" Toni asked.

"Pancakes." She replied, "they're downstairs when you want them."

"Thanks." Toni said as Veronica left the room.

"You okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I just wish I had something else to eat..." she mumbled.

"Maybe you'll get some tonight." I said taking my shirt off.

"What are you doing now then, Bombshell?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Changing." I replied and threw on one of Toni's shirt. I tried walking out put she grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to her as she kissed me.

"Not right now, Topaz." I told her pulling out and she let me go.

"You're a tease." She muttered.

"I know." I said as we walked together, hand in hand.


We walked downstairs to the smell of pancakes, but my eyes narrowed on Sweet Pea.

"Why are you still here?" I spat at him.

"I'm dating Veronica." He replied.

I left go of Cheryl's hand a walked over to him.

"Why? Why wouldn't you tell me that Quinn was back?" I asked him.

"I didn't know. She just showed up. Surprised my mom and me. I didn't know she was gonna show up last night." He defended. I was still upset.

"Okay, that's fine. But you brought her back here! After we had a fight!" I yelled.

"She-" he said before looking down at his glass.

"You, you said she threatened you. With what, Pea?" I asked. He looked away.

"Don't tell me you're gay too." Cheryl said. He laughed.

"No, it's not that." He told us.

"I-" he began but was interrupted when Veronica walked into the room with a stack of pancakes.

"I'll tell you later." He quickly said.

"He's hiding something from Veronica." Cheryl whispered into my ear.

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