Chapter 21: A Bottle of Tequila

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AN: So this kinda wraps the party all up. Bit of juice. May introduce Quinn later so tell me your thoughts on that.

Thanks for reading!!

Written 5.22.18


"What are you doing?" Veronica asked. It was 2 in the morning and I was sleeping in the door frame of the room Cheryl was in.

"Cheryl's in there." I told her.

"Do you not sleep together anymore?" She asked.

"No, she was drunk and didn't recognize me. So I tried to take her shirt off to change her but she said,' Stop! I have a girlfriend!'" I explained.

"That's kind of, cute?" She said.

"I guess it's good." I said.

"Toni!" We heard Cheryl yell before the door opened.

"Oh, what are you doing out here? Get into bed silly!" She said, still tipsy.

"We'll talk when your sober, Blossom." I said entering the room.

"Okay. Good night! Love you." She said.

"Love you too." I said as we got into bed. She cuddled up to me, and I have to admit I missed it since last night. But I had a feeling that if she was sober she wouldn't be cuddling up.


I woke up in Toni's arms with a pounding headache. She blinked slowly.

"How's your headache, Blossom?" She asked smirking.

"Awful. Don't tell me your not hung-over." I said.

"I was the mom last night." She said smiling.

"I hate it when your responsible. How bad was I?" I asked, ready for the embarrestment.

"Well, you flirted with me endlessly." She said. I rolled me eyes.

"I took you to bed, but you didn't recognize me and kicked me out." She said.

"I - what?" I asked shocked.

"Yeah. You said your girlfriend was gonna beat me up." She smirked.

"How'd you get back in here?" I asked.

"You got a nightmare and went looking for me. I was just sitting in the door frame though." She told me.

"Whatever." I said, "We need to talk."

"Yeah," She began, "we do."

"Listen, Cher, I don't like talking about it. Ask Pea or Micheal. It's not something I wouldn't tell you, but I just don't wanna talk about it." She said.

"I, uh, may or may not already know." I confessed.

"Mikey?" She asked.

"I said I wouldn't snitch." I told her.

"It's cool. I - I just I regret everything so much." She said.

"It's, it's okay. If you don't want to go into detail, it's fine. When you're ready, talk to me." I said slowly.

"Thanks for being here." She said pulling me into a hug.

"Of course." I told her.

"I'm here for you too, Cheryl. If you wanna talk to someone else, maybe you could talk to Ronnie or Betty." She said.

"Maybe I should." I nodded.

"Let's get you home now, okay?" She said.

"It's so bright out!" I complained.

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